2018-08-08 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes
2018-08-08 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
August 15: "What's New in Resource Access?" | Host: Mark Canney Presenters: Anya, Emma Boettcher, Tania Hewes | •Reserves (Anya Arnold - EBSCO) |
August 29?: "Beyond ILS” session: Resource sharing/Research/Special Collections | Michael Winkler will obtain description and ask speakers if they are available. | |
September 26th?: Panel Discussion of Early Implementers/Adopters Partners | Redo panel from ALA Annual
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September 26th?: Inventory App Update | Laura E Daniels to ask Charlotte and Christie if this would be a good date for a presentation on Inventory app. Can mention the existence of the MARC Edit App for a possible later Forum. | |
October 10th: Panel Discussion of Vendor Partners | Moderator: Michael Winkler | |
October-ish: Update on Innovation Grants | Host: Mark Canney Presenter: Andrew Nagy |
November – Roadmap update | ||
Fall – Open Library Foundation | To talk holistically about the communities in the Foundation: the ones that exist, the ones that are coming on. Talk about the idea of scope for the FOLIO project as it relates to the goals of these communities coming onboard. | |
Review Idea Bank |
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Conference News? | FOLIO Days desired for California higher education schools; more information to follow. | |
New business |
Action items
Date | Facilitator | Minutes |