2018-02-28 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes

2018-02-28 Forum Facilitators Meeting notes



Discussion items


March 7: Roadmap Update

The description and registration link is here: https://www.openlibraryenvironment.org/archives/513.

March 21: GOKb

GOKb update, other updates Open Library Foundation news and work going forward

Host: Michael Winkler

Presenter: Jahann Rolschewski, SVBSBK

  •  Michael Winkler verified date (March 21). Michael will talk with them at the end of the month to work on a discussion. ERM piece may be worked in.
  • There may be a potential conflict - Michael has emailed Jahann about this.

April: Acquisitions Update

  • Work around ER&L starting on March 4th
  • Possibility to report from ER&L
  • Eric Hartnett to make contact with acquisitions SIG members to check about the April date and content.

April: Metadata Management SIG Update

  • jdolivarez to mention it at tomorrow's Metadata Management SIG meeting

May?: Report from FOLIO meeting. WOLF-CON

  • Ideas: record interviews, livestream, open session.
    • Peter moderating interviews?
    • "WOLF Den" bringing people in for more intimate interviews
  • Rachel to share scripted questions for interviews
  • Recognition Awards?

June: Panel Discussion of Beta Release Partners

ALA Annual: June 22-25

July: Roadmap Update

August: Update on Innovation Grants

Host: Mark Canney

Presenter: Andrew Nagy

  • Nothing to show in April so moving this to late summer.

September: Panel Discussion of Vendor Partners

Review Idea Bank 
  • Presentations could start to look at deployment, particularly in a hosted, non-hosted environment
  • Work to prep for migrations to FOLIO. Get implementation managers on a panel.
  • Reach out to convener of Implementation SIG (late Spring?)
  • How FOLIO is impacting libraries now: view from Cornell – wait to reach out until we have better sense of implementation timelines; How are they viewing FOLIO from a strategic perspective
  • What is the international perspective on FOLIO? Can we get a panel of international sites (Australia, GVB) to give their perspectives? Plus, international update
  • Host a Forum in the Spanish language with roadmap discussion and demo, could be hosted by Lydia @ EBSCO, include UNAM development team
  • April/May timeline, before beta implementation in June/July: have a beta site talk about their interest in FOLIO (how and why as a strategy); what are some of the mechanics of the site doing the implementation
  • Podcasting as a possibility to get developers to answer questions about the process, EBSCO has people who be able to edit
  • Panel of PO/SIG facilitator/developer together to discuss the full life cycle, moderated by product owner
  • Topic for Fall? How libraries are viewing themselves as support cohorts. How is OLE supporting early adopters - panel of deans.
Conference News? 

Meetup at JMU on 2/29 with 30+ participants. 800+ participants expected for May Meetups in Mexico. Local video crew to do onsite interviews at University of Mexico.

ALA Midwinter: A Peek Inside Open Source Communities: An Open Panel Discussion. 50+ turned out; great feedback.

VALA in Australia. Session and a reception (meetup) for Directors there. Neil to present.

ER&L in March. There will be 3 FOLIO presentations.

Peter at Cod4Lib. Andrew promoting Innovation Grant.

Dean Krafft and Sebastian Hammer were selected for CNI Spring

New business

Action items
