2023-04-24 Meeting notes

2023-04-24 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Mike Gorrell 

Kirstin Kemner-Heek 


Marko Knepper 

Simeon Warner 

Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) 

Kathleen Berry 

Boaz Nadav Manes 

Maike Osters 

Guests: Paul Kloppenborg (BSZ);  Maccabee Levine (TC rep); Kristin Martin (PC rep); Ian Walls (ByWater); Jesse Koennecke (PC rep)

Discussion items

Treasurer's Update
  • Current projections show an ending FY23 balance of $140,000, but
    • $30,000 was FY22 income already put aside in reserve fund
    • $36,000 in FY23 expenses will not be billed until FY24
    • $60,000 in FY23 income was prepaid memberships (we will not see these funds in FY24-FY27)
  • "Actual" ending balance of $17,000
  • Recommendation: Put $60,000 into reserve fund
  • Total reserve would be $150,000
  • Six-month reserve under current expenses $200,000
FY24 Budget PlanningPaula Sullenger 

Paula will present draft FY24 budget, Discuss options (30mins)

FY24 projected income is based on current memberships all renewing at same level, minus prepaid memberships

  • Income: $375,000 (memberships) + $109,000 (Ebsco tech support) = $484,000
  • Expenses:
    • With current AWS expenses and developer: $464,000 (barely break even)
    • With current AWS expenses, without developer: $320,000 ($160,000 available for other expenses)
    • With reduced AWS expenses, without developer: $270,000 ($210,000 available for other expenses)
  • Expect LC to join with a 5-year prepayment
    • Recommendation: Put this prepayment amount immediately into reserve fund, will meet our goal of six months of expenses
  • Options for spending $150,000 - $200,000 in FY24?
    • Pay for other needed positions in the organization?
    • Buy out part/half time of individuals to perform needed functions?
      • Dev lead?
    • Other wish list items from the project?

From Chat:

Maccabee Levine: Kitfox expects AWS costs will be ~16k monthly next month.  Work to reduce costs ongoing.
Dracine Hodges: Thanks, Paula.
Maccabee Levine : Appreciate Mike's suggestion to ask other councils for input.

FOLIO terminologySimeon Warner 

See v3 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IkI_bKUl4XlKTZWbfPNOcxDri4Ss8SBN9LrcIDl3sbc/edit# which was an accept of previous edits and the result of 2023-04-13 Tri-Council Meeting discussion

  • There was agreement on all terms except "platform"
  • Does CC wish to suggest any changes to "platform" or leave as is? This might be a task better left to TC.
  • Discussion
    • Short discussion - general support and thanks to the authors

Review Governance

Quick check in on whether CC is in a position to execute on its documented role in Governance of FOLIO

  • Discussion - Does the recent charter stil fit for Community Council?
  • Tri-Council chairs are proposing to review each councils charter
  • No context to the near elections
  • Review charter with the new council - address the named tasks and find ways to be more actionable
  • Charter in itself is good. Nothing in, that should be put out
  • Do we need to add bullets?  No.
Other Business

Election update - Marko Knepper 

  • Nominations will end today (April 24, 2023)
  • 8  nominees in PC for 6 open seats
  • 6  nominees  in TC for 5 open seats
  • 6 nominees in CC for 8 open seats

Proposal: extend the deadline to find a least 2 more CC nominees to fill the open seats. 

  • Action item: Outreach to EBSCO, LOC and Nat. Libr. of Australia to provide a nominee by CC chairs
  • Action item: Extension of nomination time until May 1, 2023

Meeting with National Library of Australia - memberships and elections - Mike Gorrell 

  • Thursdsay (8 am Australia, 5/6 pm , US) /Friday (0:00, EU)

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