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With current AWS expenses and developer: $464,000 (barely break even)
With current AWS expenses, without developer: $320,000 ($160,000 available for other expenses)
With reduced AWS expenses, without developer: $270,000 ($210,000 available for other expenses)
Expect LC to join with a 5-year prepayment
Recommendation: Put this prepayment amount immediately into reserve fund, will meet our goal of six months of expenses
Options for spending $150,000 - $200,000 in FY24?
Pay for other needed positions in the organization?
Buy out part/half time of individuals to perform needed functions?
Dev lead?
Other wish list items from the project?
From Chat:
Maccabee Levine: Kitfox expects AWS costs will be ~16k monthly next month. Work to reduce costs ongoing. Dracine Hodges: Thanks, Paula. Maccabee Levine : Appreciate Mike's suggestion to ask other councils for input.