2024-07-23 Discovery working group
2024-07-23 Discovery working group
At Meeting
Name | Association |
Name | Association |
Johanna Radding | Amherst College |
Villanova University | |
Nicole Trujillo | CU Boulder |
Uwe Reh | hebis |
Bernd Oberknapp | Freiburg |
Cory Lown | Stanford |
Meeting room Link
2024 Discovery API Improvements
- WolfCon 2024 presentations
- Sched is being updated as we speak! keep looking for updates
- Single Satisfying API for Availability Information. (A highly configurable alternative to edge_rtac)
- Uwe sent in revisions
- Discussion on APIs for Discovery Front End Systems
- Nicole will create a rough draft of slides using our survey/FOLIO template and the below presentation outline
- Uwe will check for acceptance email and abstract
- Updated presentation name and abstract
- This year's presentation
- Presentation outline
- Slide about the survey work
- slide about apis/middleware/discovery systems
- Things improved/fixed since survey
- EBSCO's fixes done since survey?
- VuFind done since survey. (Poppy authentication)
- none EBSCO/VuFind implementations (Stanford, Cornell/Blacklight)
- Top things we'd like to still see improved
- How to follow/advocate for your top improvements
- roadmaps
- Product Owners and SIGs. (How do you find the correct PO? SIG? What about going to Vendors/vendor improvements?)
- Presentation outline
- Two questions:
- Do we want to include local (non-FOLIO api) improvements?
- Yes, we want different viewpoints/application examples to share.
- What date would the slides be due by?
- 1st week of September
- Do we want to include local (non-FOLIO api) improvements?
Next meeting
Meetings on Tuesday at 10:00 am EST, dates TBD by #discovery Slack channel and posted here.
Next meeting is August 6, 2024
, multiple selections available,
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