2021-11-19 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes






Ian Walls 

Steffen Köhler 

James Fuller 

Chris Rutledge 

Philip Robinson 

Eric Luhrs 

Ingolf Kuss 

Tod Olson 


Discussion items


FOLIO infrastructure / NFRs

"Grooming": Work on Epic(s) and User Stories & Sub-Stories for those

Work for a subgroup.

Seems to be the proper way forward

77 backend calls to do a checkout.

  • Intersects with Roadmap, see
  • jpnelson volunteers for subgroup

FOLIO Integrations

Status of this work ?

SWOT analysis
FOLIO Product Council, introduced the idea of a SWOT survey for the FOLIO Community. They have invited any implemented library – or any soon-to-be-implemented library – to participate at https://forms.office.com/r/XDi2pEJtzU.   The form linked above is designed so that multiple people from a single institution can fill it out – multiple times if desired! There are no demographic questions included in the form, but you may self-identify if you wish.   Please participate by November 30th to ensure that your institution’s voice is heard!   If you’re interested in viewing the discussion from November 2nd, a meeting recording can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mVUmi2o1ki61_HhV7TpCow0hahDENOJq/view?usp=sharing

Topics for future meetings

  • Moving reference data between two instances of FOLIO; e.g. circulation rule migration
  • Campus IdM management with FOLIO
  • WolfCon 2022: Call to action for SIGs and Councils is out
    • WolfCon Hamburg, Germany, Aug 31st until Sept 2nd, Bucerius Law School

      "Skeleton Agenda until Dec 31st, 2021"
      "Detailed Agenda until  March 31st, 2021"
      Call to action: SIGs and Councils
      Add items to this page FOLIO at WOLFcon 2022 until December 1st, 2021 !!
    • A mega SysOps session about technical debt at the next WolfCon

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date