2021-07-09 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2021-07-09 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes



Discussion items & Meeting Notes

5Find a note takerIngolfChris Rutledge
5Stress testingIngolf, Jason

TAMU stress testing turned out to be of general interest (e.g. for Leipzig; others)

  • The PC is interested in developing some standards for testing of this sort.
  • How was stress testing done ; can we have a prescription ? Maybe we need a special session or probably make use of the Friday, July 16th session ?
50Kubernetes CI Deployment Short Talks & DiscussionIngolf, Guests

Today, we will have short talks & following discussion about CI Deployment Solutions with Kubernetes for FOLIO.

The following persons agreed to give short talks (10-15 minutes): Ankita Sen (UB Mainz), Manu José (UB Frankfurt), Steffen Köhler (UB Leipzig), and possibly more. They are all system admininstrators/engineers.

They will quickly sketch their planned or already realized solution. All of those institutions are self-hosting.

Topics will include :

  • A short presentation of the infrastructure / cluster; how many tenants planned
  • Techniques used for Deployment : Rancher, Terraform, others
  • Using DockerHub vs. Harbor vs. github-Repo (source code) vs. a local github; others

Ankita Sen  gave an overview of how FOLIO infrastructure is being planned at Mainz, showing Rancher and minikube, docker hub, gitlab CI/CD pipelines, etc. 

Manu Jose with University of Frankfurt gave an overview of their bare metal Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher with 3 master nodes and 8 workers. The FOLIO deployment which was imported into Rancher was displayed for us.  Much discussion of Rancher and Kubernetes followed. 

Steffen Köhlergave a brief overview of his K8s and Rancher infrastructure at Leipzig.  They use Nexus and their university's gitlab instance and a home grown helm chart.

Meeting Notes

see above

Slides of today's presentations:

Recording of the meeting:

Action items
