2021-06-25 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2021-06-25 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes



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mod_login_saml  errors 

edge module for sip2 , self checkout and kiosk machine

TAMU has id cards with scanners, this goes back to the folio system with the edge user. Folio doesn't do authentication.

The SIP edge module has a special account. You can have one account per edge module. You can also have one edge user account for all edge modules. The edge Sip2 module has to know the credentials for the edge module user. This is part of the configuration. There is a Sip2 conf file and a Sip2 tenants conf file.

Cornell: Migrations are going on. Migration from Voyager. Already live with ERM. Hosted by EBSCO. Integration of borrow direct. LDP and reporting. Extricating from the Voyager contract.

LDP performance is an issue. 

Jason can do a fresh migration from Voyager in 10 minutes.  TAMU does their own internal bugfest.  After the July 4th break run Folio side by side with Voyager.

Voyager migration. Converting Oracle to postgres. Using MS SQL.

Using DBeaver vs. MS Access.

LDP Database refresh takes approx. 11 hours (TAMU, Cornell). Derived tables take about 4,5 hours. 

4-5 people do the backend work (Cornell/EBSCO, TAMU). Discovery & Access is another team.

TAMU plan: Turn off Voyager mid August. Kick off the migration on Friday evening. All being migrated by Saturday afternoon. Academic term starts late August. Library hours are reduced, but still open until 20 o'clock.

Otto Beisheim School of Management begins implementing Folio in Germany with EBSCO Implementation and Hosting Service.

Keep special recordings. Proposal on recording deletion doesn't have approvement of the Community, yet. 

Folio module logs. We don't have control over log levels. Folio modules spills logs out to stdin/stdout. It is not standardized. They wanted to standardize on log4j. The handling of the logs is generally done at a higher level.

Meeting Notes

Action items

  • Ingolf will announce the Kubernetes CI Deployment demos on July 2nd  and July 9th in several Slack channels one week and three days in advance.