Working Group on Integrations

Working Group on Integrations

Working sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O8orRx2dBedaeWIkbN30v2ZHyRG6BgecLXgy5xL35bQ/edit  , there the Tab "Integration Pain Points"

"Old new working sheet": SysOps SIG Integrations - Google Tabellen  (Please don't edit this one - plese edit the above spreadsheet tab, instead)

Meeting Notes

SSO - needed by many; need to fledge out in more detail
Next Steps / Groups we need to address:
1. The Roadmap Group - Jesse, Kristin Martin, Karen Newberry, Gang Xihao, Martina Schildt, ...., Tod   They meet with CC, PC, TC
2. Capacity Planning Team - they assign the development resources ; The teams are asked "would you like to take this ?"

To get it in the development pipeline, we will have to do recruitment.

Identify Pain Points . Where are the places of pain ?
Notes from Jason Root:
Ok, so far here is what we have:
-Identify and update the current list of integrations that implemented or soon-to-be implemented libraries use or plan to use.
-Scope out which integrations seem lacking in functionality and need development time, that are causing pain for Libraries.
-Reach out to the roadmap group to see how this work may be identified/scheduled in the Folio project from a community perspective?