2021-04-30 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2021-04-30 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes



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Review Action Items

Iris R1 Release 2021

  • Close to scheduled release date May 3rd

  • What are our plans for implementation / for migration (upgrades) ?
  • Do we have enough information to install ?
  • What are our plans for testing ?
  • ...

Reviewing upcoming Iris Release Notes and more:

  • For mod-pubsub now the environment variables SYSTEM_USER_NAME and SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD can be used
  • Not sure if Elasticsearch is part of Iris - not mentioned in the release notes
  • mod-search (ES) is used at first for inventory search purposes and should then be made avaible for other areas
  • A proper documentation is needed on mod-search (ES) and Elasticsearch itself
    • as well as for Iris release in the whole because of a lot of breaking changes
  • Who is or should be responsible for documentation?
    • Devops were used to provide but don't can in future due to very strechted resources. There is nobody explicitly pointed out for that. It might be up to the SysOps SIG.
  • Assuming upcoming hotfix shortly after release because of a lot of issues found at bugfest
  • mod-data-export can only used with Amazon S3 (URL is hardcoded)
  • Could need more people/institutions to selfhost on the purpose to exchange more experience
    • as well as in the perspective as an open source project
  • non-functional requirements that are often bound to hosting issues are not ranked high
  • It's recommended to run different mod-pubsub instances on multi tenant environments
  • TAMU have multi-tenant in testing environments but only have single tenant environment in production

Action items

  • Ingolf Kuss to ask Dennis Mönch, Steffen Köhler and Manu Jose from german sysops to attend the next sysops meeting(s)