2019-08-30 Meeting notes

2019-08-30 Meeting notes




  • Impromtu meeting, ad hoc agenda

Discussion items


Chalmbers Update 

Chalmers and EBSCO have done a draft run and migration from III.

ERM features are live, was draft run for rest of features. Goal is to have all live by mid-September. Have been finding and logging issues.

SIP2 is working, both with Biblioteca (including pin codes) and NetLoan software (https://evolveplus.com.au/solutions/library-solutions/netloan-pc-bookings-for-libraries)

Chalmers is running ERM! Knowledge Base seems to be working as well as license and agreements.

FOLIO seems to have issues in a high-availability environment, defects being logged. Okapi in some cases does not save configuration information.

Rights and privs issues have been found. All testing seems to have been done with supervisor privs, and using non-admin logins can result in odd behavior, features not visible or disappear after some time.  In some cases, logging out and logging back in brings the features back.

Performance issues have begun to emerge, some related to increased data, some with increased users.  During testing and training, a substantial number of librarians were using the system simultaneously which represent real life conditions that FOLIO has never really been testing in.

Connected & live using Open Athens, took about a week to resolve issues. But now really starting to connect to external systems.  EDS is live and working with FOLIO as well.

Defects are being filed and showstoppers in process of getting fixed.

Action items

  • Hkaplanian  to see if an update can be provided with more details about the hosting environment and migration.