2019-05-10 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2019-05-10 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




  • Roadmap and Backlog

Discussion items


Note taker (Wayne Schneider)


Workflow Proposal

Postponed - Ingolf Kuss recommends reviewing the proposal before the next meeting

Workflow Proposal presented by Mike Gorell in the PC meeting.
  • Feedback from the SIGs is requested by June 13th :
  • What are use cases of workflows in our SIG ?
  • What priority does having a Workflow System in FOLIO (consisting of a Workflow engine, a workflow editor, a console, the To-Do App and software methods) have for our SIG ?
  • comments on the technical realization (plan) of workflows in FOLIO

Maybe let's discuss our feedback in one of the next sessions

Use cases presented (in the slides) were from RM SIG.

Comments by Schwill, Carsten :

A ticketing system can facilitate migration. He considers a "lightweight ticketing system" useful in the following stages of the project:

  1. Configuration of the migration tool => use FOLIO Jira or a lightweight ticketing system in a FOLIO test system
  2. QA of data migration during test runs => use lightweight ticketing system in a FOLIO test system (to be shut down after migration is complete)
  3. QA of data after migration => use lightweight ticketing system in the new production system.

This would mean that priority is high, because ticketing system is already needed during migration phase. Should be worked on first, not later.

Ingolf & Harry (05/17): 1. and 2. can also be done in existing Ticketing systems (which institutions will have for their current system). So priorization is really "needed after go-live". Discussion about the Workflow Proposal in the SysOps SIG will be scheduled for May 31st-session.

15+June FOLIO Meeting - Session planning and news from the PCIngolf

Provide final session descriptions for SysOps Sessions on this Goolge form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5xTGCCXqSLyw_BZgFMFnZVmwLfMwm9vWvFO87EJim-v6Vdw/viewform

Draft Agenda: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1na2hOx0iHh6U1rhjut1NJnWb6qxJUcHgezK1-oVtHgo/edit?usp=sharing

Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/folio-meeting-june-2019-tickets-59544369813

Hotel Link (May 17 deadline for conference link): https://book.passkey.com/gt/217388668?gtid=f4d687a8a35a55eb125062824f0283f7

Meeting Planning Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JELsHTfu_xYA1yTsyRCorZzEVofd8Njsg1Lo32rm_3s/edit#gid=1803978717


  • Anyone planning on attending the June meeting, please register using the links above.
  • We need to make session proposals and assign moderators
    • Session proposals for SysOps
      • Roadmap (1 hr) - patty.wanninger  moderator
        • 6 month roadmap for SysOps
          • Deployment architecture
          • Implementation planning and execution
      • Requirements discussion (1+ hr) - Wayne Schneidermoderator
    • Sessions for data migration – will be enough people there to make this worthwhile? (Conclusion is yes)
    • Will sessions also be on Zoom or recorded? Many technical questions to make that work.


Reporting Data Privacy Requirements



The Reporting SIG is seeking interaction with SysOps SIG and Privacy SIG.

A Subgroup (of Reporting) is forming about Data Privacy for the LDP Data Warehouse.

( Joyce Chapman of Duke is seeking for 2 volunteers for this subgroup.)

Capturing Reporting Data Privacy Requirements.

  • working towards a set of recommendations on an approach to anonymizing data
  • fulfilling the European Standard GDPR

How big is the overlap with the Data Security Issues in SysOps ?


 Roadmap & Backlog


jroot , all

Define a Roadmap for the next 6 month (=also agenda item on June F2F)

Create a Backlog

Let's start with this (thanks to Jason):

  • FOLIO-1931 - Getting issue details... STATUS Umbrella story for the orchestration toolkit integration
  • Folio integration with an orchestration toolset
  • (Leipzig; Florian) Plans for a database update mechanism in a production environment. Capability to do incremental updates
    • A recommendation, whether the existing database will be updated (for updated modules) or the databased will be created newly and the existing data will be exported and imported via the API.

Topics for next meetings
Implementing a Data Warehouse

Action items
