2019-09-13 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2019-09-13 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




  • Pick up pace again

Discussion items

15Welcome backIngolf
  • Review Action Items

Future Topics:

Let's keep on meeting on a regular basis

If there is no agenda, we won't meet


As more and more systems go live, there will be more to talk about.

2 Tracks ?

  1. Hosting it themselves
  2. Hosting it by someone

Data Migration → Data Migration Sub-SIG

Postgres High Availability Options (Jo + Jason)

Any other reference installations

EBSCO's reference installations

LDP Project

Integrate the LDP in the reference environment (Wayne, a new ticket has been opened. More info in a couple of weeks)

Jason: Dockerizing the LDP Loader Piece

Next week: FOLIO and GDPR.  Anonymization .

10Update on module deployment metadata

Metadata has been put in all of the core modules. Work is going on to put it in all the other modules, too.

Q: I have got a container, now how do I run it ? → that is the answer for this question.

Creates the YAML that one needs to deploy the container.

It helps people who run a production system to deploy modules outside of Okapi.

It takes the metadata and puts it in the YAML.


 Topics for next meetings


Tech Editor; Leipzig has a great fund for a technical editor (Ingolf, haha); Need more than one person.

Also responsible for a style guide. Documentation in Wiki or another open source tools.


issues from Chalmers

what does Chalmers look like at scale ?

Sequencing - when will you do what ? Lessons learned from Chalmers. And Integrations. A Documentation from Chalmers will come up.

Configuration and setup should be done ahead of time to make life easier.

Daisy 3.2 Release Sept 30.

Release 4.0 Edelweiß Dec 20 (Code freeze) → Jan 6

Minimize data changes. Schema migration is under way, will work latest in January for most of the modules.

At the moment, you can't worry about release changes. I.e, as long as you can't safely upgrade storage modules, it's very disruptive to upgrade at all.

Chalmers will be updated to 3.2.

Staff needs to know how the system is performing at a given moment in time. Need to "marry" local operations with FOLIO.

The release cycle for backend modules is considerably shorter than one quarter. Frontend might be built from SNAPSHOT code, while the Backend only from released code. Set preRelease=false .


Using FOLIO as a superuser doesn't make sense.

The User's SIG can do that or the Implementation SIG. They should share the information they have.

We already have permissions and permission sets. It might come up in the Implementation SIG.

WOLFCon 2020 SysOps Session Ideas

WOLFCon Jan 22-24, 2020, Texas A & M, College Station

Weather will be mild. Let's take bets. Mild = ....  (not talking about "wet").

Ideas for further topicsall

Action items
