2019-05-03 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2019-05-03 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




  • June F2F meeting planning

Discussion items


June F2F meeting planning

Hkaplanian & group

  • Will any of this group be attending?
    • Confirmed planned attendance (so far): Jason, Phil (for Cornell), Harry, Patty; Wayne ?
    • so it will be a pretty small group. Harry will cancel some slots to have more time for other topics.

  • Does the group feel strongly about topics that we need to cover in the meeting?
    • Following Topics were mentioned (thanks for your replies!)
      • Q2 FOLIO Review
      • Setting up the data warehouse
      • Migration / implementation planning and execution
      • FOLIO Architecture
      • Roadmap and challenges
      • Hardening FOLIO security
      • Hackathon

      • Kubernetes/Rancher Q&A

      • An update strategy in a production environment (Florian). Capability to do incremental updates. Resolution of the dependencies.

        An update tool that shows which new versions of the modules are available and installs them with dependencies.

      • SSL implemented on all communication, even localhost (Johannes). → Belongs to "Hardening FOLIO security"
      • Privileges (Johannes). What is each module allowed to do on Okapi ? Motto should be 'least privilege' by design. → Belongs to "Hardening FOLIO security"
      • Harry mentions that Wayne formualted "shortcomings" in Jira - need to get in touch with Wayne
  • Are any of the topics listed in the proposed agenda interesting enough to this group to make the trip? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JELsHTfu_xYA1yTsyRCorZzEVofd8Njsg1Lo32rm_3s/edit#gid=1651160093

A small group met to work on a Backlog for implementation strategies. Established regular meeting times (8 A.M., one weekday). Group includes Jason, Wayne, Adam, Jakub and Anton.

Texas A&M set January 2020 as a go/no-go date for go live (6 month prior to go-live).

Data Warehouse as a new topic of interest for this group. The Data Warehouse that the Reporting SIG builds will probably not be used for AWS/EBSCO implementations.

Topics for next meetings
  1. Building a Roadmap and Backlog
  2. Implementing a Data Warehouse

Action items
