2019-03-01 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2019-03-01 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items

  • Who will be the note taker ? Patty Wanninger will take the notes two weeks in a row

Deployment issues - Okapi functionalities - Tenant management as part of Folio

Ingolf was unable to attend the meeting today so Dale took the reins in his absence. Shortly before the meeting, Harry said he was unable to prepare the requirements as discussed at the last meeting. Some people may have felt the meeting was canceled, but 9 people made the call.

Tod started a general discussion with a call to ask about what other tools people have been using to do their deployments. Chris Creswell mention Salt. Tod said he would start a poll in the Slack channel.

Discussion continued around the TAMU Kubernetes-Rancher branch of the FOLIO_Install repository on Github. https://github.com/folio-org/folio-install/tree/kube-rancher and their wiki page Folio on Kubernetes with Rancher 2.x Christopher Creswell said he was able to use the documentation to deploy a Salted 3-node cluster using Python.

Harry joined the call and discussion followed on the most efficient way to communicate with the developers to express the needs described by the TAMU team in previous meetings. Due to the nature of the issues, it would be better for spampell jroot and Brandon Tharp to write out the features and stories themselves, but with some orientation. It was agreed that at the meeting next week, the discussion would be around the crafting of features and stories to be entered as JIRA tickets.

We discussed ways to share information with the FOLIO community - perhaps a session is needed on the Github repository? Only 15 people are watching the Install repo. Should there be a Github repo for populating your install? What would it take for branches to get merged into the repo? Robbie Douglas said that Wayne Schneider had previously offered to look into doing so. What is entirely reasonable to merge, and what things need to be configurable.

Harry and Patty continue to call for some kind of panel/colloquium for the broader community to discuss the architecture and direction of FOLIO.


Action items
