2019-05-24 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2019-05-24 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items


 SysOps Action Item BacklogIngolf, all


Multiple lists are running around regarding technical debt which overlap.

Meeting Topic and Action Item Backlog - SysOps– our most recent list

Action Items for Development– an older list

Technical Issues and Debt– Tech debt analysis

Tech Council Request/Backlog Page– Tech council backlog

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BsQ_RBk2Cst9bTFak4wkszvZp0BJjaa4wM3racLDP00/edit#gid=0– another view of the tech council backlog

The group will attempt to reconcile and crossreference the lists (see action items below). See also notes on Action Items for Development.

Brief discussion of Upgrading & Dependency resolving (led by Jo). Proposal was presented and security implications discussed. We agreed to table the topic for a later meeting. First, we will discuss the Okapi security model as a prerequisite for secure and safe in-place upgrading.

Action items

  • Cross-reference our Backlog(s) with the Technical Debt List Tod Olson Wayne Schneider (will take care of in TC Tech Debt session at June '19 F2F)
  • Make Kubernetes Group an official subgroup of SysOps. Needs a wiki space, ... what else ? Ingolf Kuss
  • Upgrading & Dependency Resolution: jroot takes this to the Okapi developers