Implementer's topics | All | - onetime orders would not close in FOLIO if they were paid for at ordering instead of at the time of receiving
- should we bypass receiving until this connection is made better?
- There is an issue with the item status?
- 'on-order' to 'received' when received
- not sure if you can manually change a status from 'on-order' to 'received' - to bypass receiving
- Sara from MHC, shows a list of things paid for but not received (why paid for and not received) - - also (why might things not be received)
- does not want to give that up, for the sake of 'bypassing receiving'
- if receipt is not required, how does one change the item status?
- Dennis: check in, would change it to to in-transit, or in-progress?
- Manually, things need to be checked in to have their status changed - but the community wanted the item status to be more system driven than manually changed
- Kristin's test changed to 'in-transit - then item-status could be changed to 'in-progress'
- Question: if we create an order and check 'receipt not required', will there will be a connection between the POL and the holdings record?
- Answer: there would still be a connection
- in Inventory, one can filter by 'Item status'
- the item has to be checked in twice? (true or no?)
- test, suggests yes, the item would have to be checked in twice
- But, ONLY within the same service point.
- Once that item arrives at its destination, to which it is in transit, will it be checked in and made available
- can one search by standard number in receiving? (like ISBN) YES
- A: product ID is where the ISBN resides as a search option
- using receiving is not a great workflow option - but trying to receive not using the receiving app is a little harder (
- these would have to be closed manually
- but will close automatically when paid
- Question: why skip using the receiving app
- orders paid but still open at roll over (budgeting issue)
- UChicago trying to use the Lehigh developed API
- UChicago wants a link to Inventory (by product ID, because the external tool does not add these product IDs)
- dealing with staffing challenges
- Vouchers - view list of vouchers in a batch
- run a search in the invoice app (based upon approval date, at which point, you would see the last approval date and export)
- you would see anything that has been approved since the last time
- can approximate a preview
- how can we tell which ones have been sent in a batch?
- date range (time frame)
- you can see the file that was generated during the export and it can be downloaded at anytime to look at (will be the whole export file)
- XML file
- Q: Will the output include the numbers? YES
- The batch of vouchers includes a batch of vouchers (which includes the voucher line)
- wanted to see a preview of what has been sent and what needs to be sent
- filter area uses only date
- EXPORT uses date and time
- maybe a data point to filter by invoices that have been part of an export (might be possible)
- PAID means that the system has received their $
- The invoice has become more rigid once it has become paid (even including exchange rates if necessary)
- there is the possibility to configure as batch declare as paid (maybe when an export is made, or something)
- this functionality does not exist right now
- when next scheduling export to accounting, that voucher group will be included
- voucher includes the current data
- if downloaded the voucher file from 5 days ago, it will show all those as paid (because it is current)
- once something is paid, one can not change the exchange rate information
- might FOLIO be able to re-harvest its own exported files?? (maybe in the future)
- maybe an EDGE invoice module would allow for the connection between FOLIO and another system (but not yet)
- 13. Receiving Books workflow
- UChicago will use the LDP
- not everyone will have access to the LDP
- ??
- 10. Allocation Between Funds
- issues of definitions?
- transfer is required
- transfer you have to save from, with allocate, you don't (transfer is required)
- bug there about the asterisk (note by Dennis)
- If you move an allocation from one fund to another, then you will have that $ in the other fund (to allow for movement of $ throughout the year with some choice over impact)