Q1 2019 Overall Status Update (History)

This page contains historical data from the Overall Status Update table on the FOLIO Q1 2019 (Bellis) Weekly Status Report

Report Date

Overall Status Update

Q1 Feature Count on Report Date


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

    • Met with Chalmers to review Requests functionality and there are no major holes for go-live aside from title level requests
    • Still finalizing Q2 scope by team - should be completed and updated in JIRA by end of week: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10604
    • POs still working to pull together stories for Q2
    • Lots of bug fixing and triaging happening
    • So far only one release blocker bug has been identified related to Calendar: MODCAL-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jakub Skoczen

  • Mid Sprint 60

  • Q1 Release updates:

  • Performance
    • work on performance issues related to Users (MODUSERS-115, originally MODUSERS-106 and MODUSERS-107) – both fixed on snapshot
    • Performance fixes (Q1) – in Sprint 60 addressing Users performance issues reported during the BugFest, issues in JIRA categorized with "labels = q1-performance"

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

  • EBSCO early implementers meeting this week
  • Q2 planning happening this week
    • Features should have been created and estimated
    • Mark V will be running them through the cap plan
    • Will need to re-prioritize with POs where capacity is insufficient

  • Core functional sprint 60 kicked off this week
    • Anatoli going to another team mid sprint
    • Last sprint for Aditya (moving to ERM)
    • Jeremy Huff rotated on from TAMU
    • Big focus on bug fixing (many seem to be ui-only)
    • Also doing feature work that was prioritized by Chalmers (e.g. Check in notes and Inventory delete)

      Jakub Skoczen

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

  • PO plan presentations are still underway and, once those have been completed, we'll need to run desired features through the cap plan (next week)
  • In the meantime, here is the current high-level thinking on the work to be split across Core Functional and Vega in Q2


    • Policy override carry over

    • Send patron notices (email only)

    • Due date time zone cleanup, if needed

    • Closed library due date management carry over, if any

    • Bug fixing

    • Maybe:

      • Patron notice print - Chalmers may not need this to go live

      • Closed library due date in popup for manual due date selection

Core Functional

    • Inventory delete

    • Request cleanup, if needed

    • Display checkin notes from Inventory at checkin (UXPROD-1330)

    • SIP2

    • Title level requests

    • Bug fixing

    • Maybe:

      • Make hold-related loan policy settings effective

      • Weekly overdue report

  • Magda, Martin Tran and Matt Reno (the 3Ms) are creating focused, Core Functional subgroup to work on SIP2 and Title Level Requests (both important features needed by Chalmers to go live)
  • This will reduce the backend capacity on the main Core Functional team to just 1.5 FTEs
  • This seems okay in that most work queued up in front-end heavy and many bugs seem to be in the UI, as well

Jakub Skoczen

  • Updates from the Core: Platform team
    • The team is in the middle of Sprint59
    • Q1 Release updates:
      • All "platform-core" modules (Core: Platform, Core: Functional, StripesForce, Vega, UNAM) have been released
      • The (initial and temporary) Q1 environment for "platform-core" has been set up:
        • http://platform-core-250-3.aws.indexdata.com
        • the process used this time around relies on the work delivered by CP in Q1, namely (Epics):
          • FOLIO-1519 Automatic loading of sample and reference data
          • FOLIO-1577 Automated builds for FOLIO 'release'
          • it includes all performance fixes provided in Q1:

            type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

        • Next important date for Q1: 25th of March, a deadline for all remaining modules from 'platform-complete' (all other teams)
        • FOLIO-1630 include "edge" modules in daily snapshot/testing builds – work resumed this Sprint on unblocked modules (some module remain blocked on updates to edge-common 2.0)
        • Core Platform is working on install notes and scripts for Q1 (independent from Ansible playbook)
        • Core Platform is working on remaining request to include external modules into snapshot/testing (and likely Q1) that came late this quarter, some of them are blocked by work by external teams (team leads notified)

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Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Jakub Skoczen

      • Updates from the Core: platform team:
      • The team has started Sprint59 on Monday
      • Performance work:
      • Release Management and CI/CD
        • data loading work (prerequisite for automated "release" builds) is planned for completion within the next couple of days. Once completed Ansible data-loading roles will be disabled for folio-snapshot and folio-testing.
        • Prioritized various task for adding modules to folio-snapshot/testing: staff slips, erm-usage, invoicing modules, mod-source-record-storage agreements (blocked in OKAPI-710)
        • Included in the sprint unblocked tasks for adding edge-rtac (edge-oaipmg was still blocked at the begining of the sprint)

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Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Circulation critical path review

  • Core Functional is still behind on extending loan rules (originally targeted to be done by mid sprint 56). Now work may continue beyond sprint 58.
  • Vega was also delayed with patron notices and, therefore, have not been blocked by this.
  • Due to delays in extending loan rules and the need for more tech design, we are no longer tracking to deliver the functionality needed to make patron notices effective in Q1
  • Request policy basic CRUD is complete, but the work to make the policies effective will be delayed due to delays in extending loan rules
  • Backend timezone compliance (not part of the original Q1 scope) has been prioritized for Vega, as, without it, due dates and times will not be accurate.
  • Core Functional is also behind on hold shelf expiry period work, but, again, Vega is not ready to start on the next step (request expiration)

  • Vega has uncovered some new work in calendar and closed library due date management that needs to be prioritized (stories still TBD)In summary:
  • Good news: additional backend developer (Anatolii from EPAM) joining Core Functional team (ramping up this week and full-time as of next)

Ann-Marie working on tagging projects in SonarCloud to make it easier for POs, scrummasters and tech leads to review test coverage by development team and/or app

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

  • Circulation critical path review
    • Core Functional is still behind on extending loan rules (originally targeted to be done by the beginning of this week) but Vega isn't ready for this work anyway
    • Vega is still working on technical designs for patron notices and, therefore, will not be able to make use of the extended loan rules editor until sprint 57 at the earliest
    • Due to delays in extending loan rules and the need for more tech design, we are no longer tracking to deliver the functionality needed to make patron notices effective in Q1
    • Request policy basic CRUD is complete, but the work to make the policies effective will be delayed due to delays in extending loan rules (still tracking for Q1)
    • Backend timezone compliance (not part of the original Q1 scope) has been prioritized for Vega, as, without it, due dates and times will not be accurate.
    • Core Functional is also behind on hold shelf expiry period work, but, again, Vega is not ready to start on the next step (request expiration). CF is still working hard to wrap up their portion and it looks like the delay may be limited to one week.
    • Vega has uncovered some new work in calendar and closed library due date management that needs to be prioritized (stories still TBD)
    • In summary:
    • Good news: additional backend developer (Anatolii from EPAM) joining Core Functional team (ramping up this week and full-time as of next)
  • Ann-Marie working on tagging projects in SonarCloud to make it easier for POs, scrummasters and tech leads to review test coverage by development team and/or app

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Jakub Skoczen

  • Started sprint 56

  • Core: Functional work items update: see Cate's update

  • Cross-team:
    • Discussed data import architecture with FOLIJET.
      • Two new modules proposes: mod-source-record-storage and mod-source-record-manager. Data conversion rules stored in the manager but executed by modules participating in import (e.g mod-inventory-storage). TBD: how rules are executed
      • Data import to utilise PubSub mechanism, FOLIJET to work on mod-pubsub implementation, Core:platform to provide Okapi extensions
      • Core:platform to provide deployment for SRS and enable in-module data loading
    • FOLIO-1747: a breaking change to mod-orders resulted in problems on folio-snapshot environment, discussed with Craig and Aliaksi
    • CIRC-198: a problem with mod-circulation breaks ui-checking and ui-users functionality on folio-snapshot
  • Core: Platform update:

    • Sprint 55:
      • DevOps FOLIO-1631 add a "released dependency check" to release jobs

      • DevOps FOLIO-1632 Create lighter-weight folio core VM FOLIO-1690 Q4 Vagrant box

      • Performance issues:

        • MODINVSTOR-248 Mod-inventory-storage (get items by query=id=xx)

        • MODAT-42 Mod-authtoken caching issues

        • MODINVSTOR-215 Hint DB on sort/search strategy

        • MODINVSTOR-254 PUT /instance-storage/instances/{instanceId}

      • Automatic Data Loading:

        • MODINVSTOR-216 Reference data loading for mod-inventory-storage

      • Okapi, RMB and CQL2PG bug fixes:

        • OKAPI-695 Incorrect handling on non-ASCII characters in module descriptors

        • OKAPI-693 Introduce filter request-log to avoid buffering HTTP content in memory

        • OKAPI-694 Upgrade to Vertx 3.6 series

        • RMB-310 xml handling different when going to RAML 1.0 / RMB 20+

        • RMB-315 Fix security vulnerabilities in jackson-databind >= 2.9.0, < 2.9.8

          • CQLPG-76 Fix security vulnerabilities reported in jackson-databind >= 2.9.0, < 2.9.8

    • Sprint 56 is the first sprint to include Scrum "ceremonies"
    • Scrum board for Core: platform: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=80&view=planning
    • Summary:
      • FOLIO performance tuning and search capabilities (CQL2PG):

        • FOLIO-1744 establish expected response time for performance benchmarks in Jenkins

        • MODINVSTOR-256 /instances?query=holdingsRecords.permanentLocationId=abc*

        • MODINVSTOR-182 optimize identifiers array indexes (ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, OCLC, …)

        • RMB-301 query optimizer hint: sort index or full text index

      • Automatic builds for FOLIO “release”

        • FOLIO-1738 PR build pipeline for platform-core releases

        • FOLIO-1739 PR build pipeline for platform-complete releases

      • Okapi/RMB/CQL2PG bugfixes:

        • RMB-326 Upload: complete state set before end-of-stream

        • RMB-321 Improve file upload mechanism to avoid memory leaks

      • FOLIO Edge modules:

        • include edge-oai-pmh in folio-snapshot/testing

      • Automatic loading of sample and reference data:

        • FOLIO-1726 load sample MARC record data in mod-source-record-storage

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Getting issues...


Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

  • Q4 UXPROD is all tidied up! POs have closed all features, splitting as needed. See dashboard
    • Q4 2018 (Aster) Release Notes are up
    • General Cross Release Statistics page has been created with a few cross-release metrics
      • The number of features closed in Q4 more than doubled relative to Q2 and Q3
      • Percent of targeted features that were closed more than doubled as well (we are getting better at planning)
      • Caveat: This is not an exact science. Features are of variable sizes and closed does not equal complete. Many features that are closed are not fully complete (at the end of the quarter we "split" incomplete features and create carry-over features for remaining work. We had 18 of these splits in Q4 (no data from previous quarters).
      • Still, this is good progress and we are headed in the right direction
  • Core Functional team is getting the hang of the new Agile ceremonies
  • Chalmers
    • Most of Chalmers Q1 stories are in Resource Access
    • Risks
      • Many dependencies between teams (Vega and Core)
      • New teams and processes
      • Lots of bugs to fix and tests to catch up on
    • Issues
      • Marc Johnson down to 25 hours per week which means something needs to be dropped from Core Functional in Q1. Looking into what options we can give to Chalmers on this.
      • No support for timezone on the back-end which will make the due date calculation work being done by Vega inaccurate. No bandwidth for this work in Q1.
      • Falling behind schedule per critical path diagram

      Jakub Skoczen
      • Mid sprint 55, first sprint of Q1

      • Core: Functional work items update: see Cate's update

        • provided initial DoD for the team — to be discussed and agreed this week
      • Q4 Release Management updates: completed

      • Core: Platform update:

        • Sprint 55 is going ahead in a traditional setup, starting with new setup from sprint 56"
          • Getting issues...
          • Getting issues...
          • Working on user stories with Adam and John for the firtst grooming meeting tomorrow.
        • Addressing performance of "get instance by id" (Nassib), "get item by id" (Eric), and "get item by barcode" (Kurt).
        • MODINVSTOR-215 by Julian, in CODE REVIEW, yay!

Getting issues...

Getting issues...


Jakub Skoczen

  • Started sprint 55, first sprint of Q1

  • Core: Functional work items update:

  • Q4 Release Management updates:

  • Core: Platform update:

    • Kick-off meeting with Aleksandr went well. Established the Scrum board and filter to capture the Platform/DevOps issues.
    • Performance: MODINVSTOR-215, latest status from Julian is that the issue and new mod-inventory-storage release will be ready by Wednesday

    • Starting from this week and intensifying next week core back-enders will focus on various performance issues (Adam, Julian). Heikki is going to be away until the end of the year. Nassib will act as a partial replacement.

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

  • Working with POs to get UXPROD cleaned up so we can get final stats and release notes for Q4 2018 release. By this point, all Q4 2018 features should be closed and they are not.

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Getting issues...