Get Hold Shelf Expiry Period from Service Point
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hideTestRail: Results

Michal Kuklis December 6, 2018 at 5:19 PM
Sounds good . I think Medium for front end is reasonable here.

Cate Boerema December 5, 2018 at 5:13 PM
Actually, , suggested this feature should also cover populating the hold shelf expiration date on the request when it goes into awaiting pickup. Given that, I have moved the story that covers that functionality (UIREQ-144) out of and into this one. I don't think UIREQ-144 has much, if any UI. That said, it would be great if you could both revisit the estimates in case this impacts. Thanks!!

Michal Kuklis December 5, 2018 at 12:42 PM
just a quick question about this. Is the just about adding this new expiry setting to the SP form? If so your estimate is good!

Cate Boerema December 5, 2018 at 9:03 AM
, can you please put in a frontend estimate for this? The 5 currently showing is just my best guess (I needed an estimate for planning). Thanks

Marc Johnson December 4, 2018 at 11:13 AMEdited
I think I might be confused.
[UICHKIN-49] and [UICHKIN-50] appear to define setting the hold shelf expiration date as part of their scenarios. Those issues appear to be part of .
If we want to keep and this separate, then I think we need (your option 2) to separate out the scenarios from [UICHKIN-49] and [UICHKIN-50].
Once that is done, I think we can choose which of these is higher priority to start first. To me, this would make effectively be transit to pickup service point
and this to be determine request hold shelf expiration
. With the closely related partner feature being expire requests and hold shelf fulfilment
(which would be blocked on this?)
Otherwise, I think the two features are effectively intertwined (and might as well subsume all of this into UXPROD-118?).

Estimation Notes and Assumptions
Front End Estimate
Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor
Back End Estimate
Back End Estimator

Create a Hold shelf expiry setting in the service point form. When items become awaiting pickup for a request at a service point, FOLIO will look to this setting and populate the Hold Shelf expiration period in the request form (this field already exists, it's just being populated with some random date). The hold shelf expiration period can be manually changed after being set according to the SP defaults (edit capability is already in place). Hold shelf expiration date is already a token for the print slips. We need to make sure this date is populated in the print slips, as well.