2022-10-05 quickMARC subgroup
Attendees (please add your name)
- Khalilah Gambrell Timothy Watters Lisa Robinson Natascha Owens Julia Corrice Raegan Wiechert Lynne Fors Monica Arnold Joshua Barton Mary C Steven Folsom Natalie Sommerville Jamie Jesanis (Unlicensed) Natalie Sommerville Jeanette Kalchik Kimie Kester
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Announcements (5 minutes) | All | October 19th meeting is cancelled. |
Development update (5 minutes) | Khalilah | Sprint Board: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=40
quickMARC pre-bugfest UAT | Khalilah | To get ahead of bugfest, we would love feedback on Nolana updates so the development team has enough time to address issues and minimize Orchid impact. Instructions for testing - Deadline: Wednesday, October 12th (end of day) Participants : Anyone that works with MARC bib/MARC holdings/MARC authority records UAT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tjZqSGzD2nFIloDjy1YKjZjMN0t31t7Ae5LaJRwXJ3M/edit?usp=sharing |
Nolana and Orchid release updates | Khalilah | Nolana: quickMARC UX updates and MARC authority facet: Authority source Orchid: Authority linking (manual and hopefully automated for a record), manage Authority source file via settings, and Browse UX refactor. |
October 19th meeting is cancelled. |
Future meetings agenda items / Action items
- quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
- quickMARC Error Handling overview
- MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
- MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)