2021-12-15 quickMARC subgroup

2021-12-15 quickMARC subgroup


Timothy Watters Raegan Wiechert Jessica Janecki Jackie Magagnosc Natalie Sommerville Lisa Robinson Julia Corrice  Joshua Barton Monica Arnold Natascha Owens Catherine Smith Jeanette Kalchik  Lloyd Chittenden 

Attendees (please add your name) 

5 minutesLast meeting of the year. Resume January 5th?
5 minutesDevelopment update Sprint board: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=40&view=planning.nodetail&issueLimit=100
10 minutesMARC holdings demo - Lotus development 
25 minutesMARC authority demo - Lotus development

Future meetings agenda items / Action items

  • Review Authority homework >Focus on #3,  #4 ,#10 (next meeting)
  • Review Kiwi Features 
  • Review Authority Search w/ Elastic Search POC 
  • MARC Holdings 
  • MARC Authority revised mockups 
  • MARC Authority browse mockups 
  • quickMARC Error Handling overview
  • Lotus Release Overview 
  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)
  • Authorities - Backend development - What should we begin next?(see poll posted to the #quickMARC slack channel)  


