2021-05-19 quickMARC subgroup

2021-05-19 quickMARC subgroup



  • Khalilah Gambrell, PatriciaR, TimW, JackieM, MarkA. LauraD, JessicaJ., BrianC., LisaR.,JoshuaB, NatalieS.JuliaC.,JacquieS

Discussion items

Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes
5Development update

MARC 006 handling 

  • Review feature and user stories linked: UXPROD-3075 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Goal - include with Iris Hotfix #2  (June 18th) 
    • Laura updated one of the user stories. No other feedback. 
  • Retro - How did we get here? What can be done to prevent this issue from recurring? 
    • Identify SMEs for requirements validation (JS)
    • UAT/Use Cases - common daily examples/workflows (JS) 
    • Common understanding of quickMARC capabilities/scope is it quick OR is it full-blown cataloging module (LD)
      • For now the goal is to support basic functionality to support MARC in FOLIO. 
    • Yes, some SMEs writing bugfest test and UA scripts would be a good idea. (JS/AMB)
      • Possibly use a QM meeting for this effort 
15Review Auto-populate UAT findings Khalilah Gambrell
  1. User Acceptance Testing details: Default leading subfield behavior https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eqqfuKWEaguSCy_jCB7VWTF2WDeDgO8eK417wpjA-lY/edit#gid=0 
    1. Testing URL: https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/ or https://folio-testing.dev.folio.org/
    2. Credentials: diku_admin / admin 
    3. Timeline for feedback: [Thursday, May 20th]
    4. Ann-Marie: in progress an environment is being built to support testing. 
  2. Express a literal $ - UIQM-106 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Seems to be a problem when editing.  Need to fix it.
    2. Spitfire dev team will investigate an approach to address this issue. 
105/26 HomeworkKhalilah Gambrell
  • Authorities (will send by Thursday, May 20)
  • Provide feedback: MARC record templates
    • Call for group to provide feedback on the page. 

Action items

  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)




10:03:07 From  Jackie Magagnosc  to  Everyone : I cried when my son finished his PhD
10:04:34 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : You are welcome!  I am happy to have Natalie in the space, of course!
10:17:21 From  Khalilah Gambrell  to  Everyone : https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODQM-107
10:20:04 From  Timothy Watters  to  Everyone : If MARC Tag 006/00 is code s https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008s.html
10:31:20 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : The death of MARCcat really caused a lot of problems.
10:31:38 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Sorry to be very late... would it be helpful to have some librarians write some Bugfest test cases to cover quickMARC?
10:32:10 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Yes, some SMEs writing bugfest test and UA scripts would be a good idea.
10:32:33 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : And Jessica, I agree about MARCcat, but having resolution is better than it was previously
10:33:43 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : My comment wasn't a longing for MARCcat, just an explanation for why we keep "discovering" new use cases.
10:33:46 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : +1 Jacquie
10:39:26 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Laura - can you find the link for the MM SIG-defined functionality for QM when MARCcat went away? I'm hunting for it, but haven't found it yet
10:39:31 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : And quickMARC doesn't break MARC.  :)
10:40:54 From  Laura (she/her) Daniels  to  Everyone : Nature of contents
10:41:02 From  Laura (she/her) Daniels  to  Everyone : whoops, that is not a link
10:41:13 From  Laura (she/her) Daniels  to  Everyone : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1okBurSDpX4wfcX92CEqBtXjuvc68uw70bIHYHfyXpSI/edit#heading=h.5az4wwkza6yb
10:41:32 From  Laura (she/her) Daniels  to  Everyone : see also: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQmOV8kQ8u-InPFq8zxn5V4UQbt_1H1QmCVYntppias/edit
10:45:09 From  Lisa M Robinson (she/her)  to  Everyone : When I tried to do the user testing yesterday, there were no records in Snapshot.
10:49:20 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : If no records in folio-snapshot or folio-snapshot-load, then just import a small file of MARC records. Note that if it's the first import of the day, it will take a little longer than subsequent imports. When importing, use the profile Default - Create Instance and SRS MARC Bib
10:50:21 From  Brian Clark (he, him, his)  to  Everyone : Alma does the opposite. $$ is the subfield delimiter, and a literal dollar sign is $.
10:50:59 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : Aleph is $$ as well.
10:51:19 From  Jackie Magagnosc  to  Everyone : I was wondering about the same thing Jacquie
10:53:31 From  Joshua Barton (he/him)  to  Everyone : Will the $ problem hit legacy records upon import? I'm thinking of MARC 037 $c that regularly has price info in it.
10:54:27 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Also 020s sometimes have price info
10:54:31 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : I guess we need to test some records
10:54:34 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : It's a training issue for staff. New catalogers, new acquisitions staff, staff in Circ and other departments who may or may not have full cataloging training.
10:55:27 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Sorry Ann-Marie!
10:55:55 From  Lisa M Robinson (she/her)  to  Everyone : I don't think we can use $$ in name authorities. For example, Kesha used to be Ke$ha in her name authority record and it would not have been valid to record this name as Ke$$ha.
10:56:13 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : I've got some records that have prices with $ in 520 notes. I can test importing and then editing to see what happens.
10:56:35 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Thanks for testing that, Jessica!
10:56:50 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : I'm sorry all-- my internet connection is unstable and now I need to be off and attempt to join my next meeting.  See you all next time.
10:59:53 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Good suggestion for the visual cues
11:00:30 From  Timothy Watters  to  Everyone : I just imported title=Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge and it deleted the $.  OCLC #870098591