2021-05-26 quickMARC subgroup

2021-05-26 quickMARC subgroup



Discussion items

Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes
5Development update

MARC 006 handling UXPROD-3075 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Work included in Iris hotfix #1. Deployed to Iris bugfest on May 24th.  
  • Work slated for Iris hotfix #2. Should be completed by June 4th. Will be released on June 25th.  
  • User acceptance testing of hotfix #1
    • IF anyone wants to verify the GET API response (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODQM-103) on snapshot, please let me know. Also, if you prefer to test via the user interface then
    • Go to  https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/
    • Upload at least 2 MARC bib records (one with a 006/00 value that is different from Leader/06 and one with a 006/00 value that is the same as Leader/06)
    • Edit or Derive the record
    • Add a new MARC tag OR edit an existing MARC tag value
    • Save
    • View Source
    • Hit Edit again to verify that 006/00 did not change. NOTE: The 006/00 value will be displayed in the byte/box labelled Form. This label will be changed to Type. AND 006/00 value is not editable. Development is in progress to support editing the 006/00 value. Goal is to have this ability available in the next two weeks.

No testing volunteers yet. 

30Authority questions for the group Khalilah Gambrell
  1. What do you typically populate in MARC 001? 
    1. [LCCN] | OCA | OR non-LC > <<vendor abbreviation>> <<vendor generated id>>  
    2. What about HRIDs? Will support in a future phase once we implement local Authority support.   
  2. What Authority MARC fields are required? 
    1. At minimum, 1XX, Leader, 008
  3. With your current/former ILS , which MARC fields are the most challenging to manage? (e.g. data corruption)
    1. Include in testing: loading random fields duplication
    2. RW: Sierra - reference in half latin and non-latin > non-latin characters were not recognized. Need to determine an approach as this is different from bib records.
    3. LR: Ligatures/diacritics.
  4. Should we consider any punctuation in regards to validation?
    1. [TW/LR: Do not worry about it]

  • Other topics discussed: upon loading Authority files; identify the authority source [partition]
  • Additional questions will be asked with homework due June 9th

Action items

  • MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
  • MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)


Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VBGRXgyfi0uRmtTdjY5MSc8M8v-PxTxR/view?usp=sharing


10:01:22 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : Good morning, everyone.
10:04:54 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : I am back!
10:25:01 From  Raegan  to  Everyone : yes, but not very often
10:25:16 From  pratkovi  to  Everyone : Raegan +1
10:27:07 From  Steven Folsom (he/him/they/them)  to  Everyone : To be clear, we’re not interested in creating local authorities.
10:27:42 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Steven, we are also uninterested in creating local authorities.
10:28:04 From  Lisa M Robinson (she/her)  to  Everyone : I think we are interested in creating local authority records … but that decision hasn't been made here yet
10:35:50 From  Timothy Watters  to  Everyone : Authority records are permanent records in machine-readable form that include, at a minimum, the following elements: • the form of the name chosen for use in authorized access points (1XX); • the sources for this form and for variant forms (670); and • the cross-references leading to the authorized access point from variant access points or from related access points (4XX and 5XX) if appropriate    https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/naco/documents/NACOParticipants'Manual-20200708.pdf
10:35:51 From  Steven Folsom (he/him/they/them)  to  Everyone : Given that, I wouldn’t require it.
10:41:59 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : https://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/nlr/nlr6xx.html
10:42:18 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : This document show that the 670 is Not mandatory, but when it is, the $$a IS mandatory
10:43:18 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : It is "Mandaory if Applicable" meaning if you have the data, you must include it.
10:46:03 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : ligatures
10:53:49 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : FYI-- Jacquie dropped out of the meeting because her internet service died.
10:54:06 From  Special Libraries Association  to  Everyone : Thank you Natalie.
10:54:17 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : I am back!
10:54:34 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Sorry about the internet breakdown in the middle of a sentence!
10:56:41 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : +1 to converting leader/byte 09 to "a" for Unicode
10:58:56 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : Good question, thanks Ann-Marie!
10:59:23 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : Yes, I'm glad Ann-Marie asked the question.
10:59:42 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : I have to run, please cancel next week!
10:59:49 From  Jacquie Samples  to  Everyone : bye all.
11:00:00 From  Jessica Janecki  to  Everyone : I'll be at wolfcon too
11:00:02 From  Lisa M Robinson (she/her)  to  Everyone : I'm going to attend WolfCon
11:00:25 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone : That's fair! :-)
11:00:32 From  Steven Folsom (he/him/they/them)  to  Everyone : Thanks for a great meeting