2019-10-03 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes


Recording is available on:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jGspESZCPoTybY85SCtPEabIpiqd2st2/view

Link to the zoom-meeting: https://zoom.us/j/337598429  

Link to the wireframes: 

Link to the discussed document:

Discussion items




MARCcat UX/UI analysis

A brief discussion on the import of a record from OCLC, using Connexion, in the local system (using Inventory or MARCcat apps):

We'll show you the diagram with the possible workflow thought for this process. This topic,ì then will be discussed more in details during the next MM-SIG meeting.

We'll come back on the issue: 

UXPROD-1962 - Getting issue details... STATUS

to report some topics decided during the last ACT meeting, about the deletion of Holding records.

Holding Record management in MARCcat, to define what kind of buttons we need at UI level to add/see a MARC Holding record in MARCcat and to see also the associated Holding record in Inventory.

There are still a lot of topic about the MARC holding managements to discuss.


Follow the excel with the list of all MARC tags for Holding records:


This document was done considering the original mapping done for the holding record in Inventory: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ac95azO1R41_PGkeLhc6uybAKcfpe6XLyd9-F4jqoTo/edit#gid=73689427 (from MFHD to Holding record in Inventory) that we kept in the second sheet: "MFHD to holdings (Inv-MARCcat)" .

In this sheet are listed all tags, codes and subfields required by the MARC21 format for holding records and for all of them there are also indicated the corresponding fields of the Holding record in Inventory (where they exist).

We added the column "MARCCat Holdings field" to indicate (with Y - yes - or N - no) the tags, codes and subfields that the MARCcat holding record should have to be comply to the MARC21 format and to your needs. We consider all tags that are referring to an holding and not to the item, because the item record is covered by Inventory app.

We added also a column for each library in order to know which tags are most used by them. So, please add value 'X' to indicate it. This will useful for us to give a priority to some tags during the development of the MARC Holding record. Thanks.
