2018-10-11 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes


Recording is available on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o2KEC2wc4D-ShfOzE-K2Zvb-8yWDpWMj/view?usp=sharing

Link to the zoom-meeting: https://zoom.us/j/119772606

Link to the wireframes: 

Link to the discussed document:

Discussion items




MARCcat UX/UI analysis

Discussion on the use of local authorities & local tag tables.

  • We would never want to mix a "begins with search" with a "contains" search.

  • Side discussion: Search by 33X? While Jacquie noted that this field is getting used in most new records and OCLC is populated older records with the 33X fields, members from Chicago noted that there are large portions of their collection already in their catalog that will never see a 336, 337, or 338 field.

  • Topic
    • In a keyword search that includes bibs and authorities, should the results include a row for the bibs as well as a row for the authority?
    • The two ideas of "Search for an entity" vs. "Search for a resource" were brought up by Tiziana. These are in conflict with each other. If they are both showing in results, then we could end up duplicates
    • Proposed solution: We could set it up so the user must pick either authority or bibliographic BEFORE searching. This will drive the search menu options and each searchis would be restricted to either bibs or authorities. Sarah commented that while this may work for keyword searches, "We definitely need authority and bibs together for left anchored searches".

      Tiziana thought this would work for only some indexes, not all. she suggested that if Authority and Bibliographic are searched simultaneously, then results will show duplicates. Sarah pointed out that we're often searching for context, not just a known entity. "You want the ability to have a less defined search" in order to perform searches for the unknown. Sarah made point if there is a word in a foreign language that she does not know and would like to search for that word to learn more about the book, a results set that shows every instance of that word is valuable: whether it is in a bibliographic record, or an authority record.

      Sarah said we should not consider poor searches since they will always result in poor results.

Filip: The challenge to allow this is that you can get lists with 6 identical results. Technically this is possible although complicated.

Jacquie - If results show multiple matches, it's not a big deal.

Another proposed solution showing bibliographic and authority results for a search was displayed by David. (I will post the image here when I get it.)

Action: Next time - email thread David will give the opportunity for each member to respond.


Next step
