What is the scope of the MARCeditor app that @Cult will be building?
One specific question related to this: will the work include loaders and mapping tables that allow you to load an external MARC file, act on it (with a template or default edits) and then have that file do other things besides create MARC records (e.g. create holdings or items automatically)?
Will the work include CRUD for authority records?
What will the development process look like? Is the thinking that there will be an alpha version; beta version; etc. & what is the projected timeline? How can the MM SIG be involved in the development process?
The demo of WeCat showed a lot of functionality (deep indexing, authority linking, linked data referencing) - is the plan to have all of that functionality available in the FOLIO MARC editor? Or some portion of that functionality?
What are the implications for the MARC storage infrastructure for access to MARC source data via other apps?
What kind of documentation is available/planned?
How will @Cult's work relate to the instance/holdings/item prototype work that Filip has shown? Once you find a record in inventory and want to edit it, will it stay in the general screen structure that Filip has shown or will it change to something else?