2018-10-08 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes
Recording is available on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LJEbbfJU7jQfolvLnBSkXEQWd9KF_h2f/view?usp=sharing
Link to the zoom-meeting: https://zoom.us/j/789583408
Link to the wireframes:
Link to the discussed document:
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
MARCcat UX/UI analysis | Continue the discussion on the points listed in the document saved in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/167ar6mT-wwaTdrt_-6Ud3Z5npkZ4VFv-icyxCGV_2iQ/edit. Presentation of more UX work done by Filip and David, considering the suggestions of the subgroup coming from the last meeting. Recap from last meeting: UI updated with real data Authority records + bib records in results Associated bib records display below when viewing authority record in right-hand pane What/how much info do we want displaying in the column headers in the collapsed view cards? Spreadsheet where we should input / make comments about the column headers we want: Two big topics still be addressed: local authorities & local tag tables ------------------- Looked at desired behavior (as best we can guess) for screen readers in the variable length fields Considered a filter or "jump to" option at top – preferred the "jump to" command, with the focus moving for screen readers while for sighted readers the cursor would move and the non-selected fields would be "grayed out" We are assuming that it would preferable for the screen reader to read an entire field by default, including the MARC tag, indicators, subfields, and punctuation. TAB would jump to the next subfield |