Create new instance, holdings, item (no match)
Create new instance, holdings, item (no match)
Flower release | Orchid, SP#3 |
Input data | MARC |
Job purpose | This job can be used to create new instances with a holdings and item record, where there is no pre-existing instance record. |
Considerations for using this profile | This job profile used MARC mappings for holdings and item attributes, but specifies fallback accepted values for required fields, like holdings permanent location, material type, and loan type. Status is hardcoded and items will be created in an "In process" state. This job profileĀ should not be used to update existing records, only to create completely new instances, with a linked holdings and item. |
Profile creator (and library) | Molly Driscoll (EBSCO) |
Category | Profile name | Screenshot | Additional tips and considerations |
Field mapping profile | Instance - Cataloged Date and Status | Only showing the Administrative data accordion; no other mappings added to this profile. | |
Field mapping profile | Holdings - Monograph with Permanent location and Call number | Only shows mapped fields: Holdings type has accepted value "Monograph" hard-coded to the field. Permanent location uses 990$a' else "MD NoveList Comics & Graphic Novel Collection (MDNCGNC)" Call number uses 050$a " " 050$b; else "Needs call number" | |
Field mapping profile | Item - Barcode, Material type, Copy number, Status, and Loan type | Barcode: 990$b Material type: 990$c; else "Book" Copy number: 990$d Permanent loan type: "Circulating" Status: "In process" | |
Action profile | Create Instance - Cataloged Date and Status | ||
Action profile | Create Holdings - Monograph with Permanent location and Call number | ||
Action profile | Create Item - Barcode, Material type, Copy number, Status, and Loan type | ||
Match profile | N/A no updates in this profile | ||
Job profile | Create new instance, holdings, item | Remember to put the action profiles in the order in which they should be executed: