Create new instance + edits to MARC records, single record import
Create new instance + edits to MARC records, single record import
Flower release | Nolana |
Input data | MARC |
Job purpose | We use this job with a Z39.50 target profile for single record import from LIBRIS to use for orders. The job creates an instance and modifies the MARC record by deleting all 856 fields. We delete these link fields in order to remove other libraries' proxy links, which are included in the holdings fields embedded in the MARC record from LIBRIS. When we get the ordered book the Libris record is imported from LIBRIS (this time without the other libraries' proxy links) through our regular import profile. This record matches the existing instance which is then updated. |
Considerations for using this profile | This job does not include any matching and is only used to create new instances. We use a special Z39.50 profile set up for us by LIBRIS in order to get the correct Control Number Identifier in 003/035 ("LIBRIS" instead of "SE-LIBR"). However, this could also be edited upon import using find and replace in Field mapping profile 2. |
Profile creator (and library) | Henrik Wallheim, Thomas Trakell (Linköping University Library) |
Category | Profile name | Screenshot | Comments |
Field mapping profile 1 | Default - Create instance | Default profile, not edited. | |
Field mapping profile 2 | Z39.50 import LIBRIS |
| This profile modifies the MARC record by deleting all 856 fields. It can be set up to add, delete och edit other MARC fields as needed. |
Action profile 1 | Default - Create instance |
| Default profile, not edited. |
Action profile 2 | Z39.50 import LIBRIS | This profile edits the MARC record as specified in the field mapping profile | |
Job profile | Z39.59 import LIBRIS | Creates instance and then modifies MARC record. | |
Z39.50 target profile | KB Libris | Setup for the Z39.50 target profile. The job profile UUID is entered under "Job profile ID for create". We do not use this target profile for updates. Records are imported in Inventory by using Actions > Import and entering the Libris record id. |