Data Import Landing Page

Jobs Left Hand Pane

On the landing page, the left hand pane called “Jobs” is where you can browse or choose a file to be uploaded and then imported, and see any jobs that are currently running.

“Running” can be minimized by clicking on the caret to the left of the label.


Left Hand Pane called Jobs with choose files, drag and drop and Running


Logs Central Pane

The central pane called “Logs” is where the logs for the imports can be viewed. This is a brief view of the logs. Go to Data Import Logs to learn about a more detailed view. All of the logs except for the Inventory Single Record imports display in this Logs view. To view the Inventory Single Record imports, click on Actions → View All Logs.

The Logs display:

  • File name

  • Status

  • Records (number of records in uploaded file)

  • Job profile

  • Started running date and time

  • Ended running date and time

  • Run by

  • ID

All columns can be sorted by clicking on that column header.


View of the central pane showing list of logs


Actions Menu & View All Logs

In the top right hand corner, there is the Actions menu with these options:

  • View all logs

  • Delete selected logs (to delete the box in the leftmost column needs to be checked). Selected logs can also be deleted when viewing all logs

When viewing all logs, there is the possibility to sort all columns and filter results by:

  • Errors in import

  • Date

  • Job Profile

  • User

  • Inventory single record imports