Create FOLIO Inventory and SRS Marc Bibs for eResources
Flower release | Morning Glory Hot fix 1 |
Input data | MARC21 bibliographic data |
Job purpose | This job imports new eResources and cleans up the srs marc at the end of the job. |
Considerations for using this profile | This job includes a match because we want to be sure that the eResource is not already in FOLIO. For our eResources, we use what we call container codes or codes in the 035 9\$a which consist of the school prefix (AC, HC, MH, SC, UM and FC for 5 Colleges) and then a unique number or alphanumeric string. We use this as one of our primary match points in our consortial environment for eResources. See documentation. |
Profile creator (and library) | Jennifer Eustis, Five Colleges |
Category | Profile name | Screenshot | Additional tips and considerations |
Field mapping profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Item | The Item Status was selected using the drop down menu. Item Status: Available Barcode: 876$a Item Permanent loan type: 876$l Item Material Type: 877$m | |
Field mapping profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Holding | Electronic Access: The relationship type is Resource and was selected using the drop down menu. If your MARC (mrc) file doesn’t have information in one of these fields, then nothing happens. For the Call Number in the 852$h, make sure that this is the entire call number, such as PN1997.2 .B34 2016 or Online, with the necessary spacing between the class and cutter number. Electronic Access URI: 856$u Electronic Access Link Text: 856$z Electronic Access Materials Specification: 856$3 Electronic Access Public Note: 856$z Call Number Type: 852$t Call Number: 852$h Call Number Prefix: 852$p Permanent Location: 852$l | |
Field mapping profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Instance | ||
Field mapping profile | FCBLT Default Inventory MODIFICATIONS on *Incoming* marc File Records to Remove 852 856 876 877 | ||
Action profile | FCBLT Default Inventory MODIFICATIONS on *Incoming* marc File Records to Remove 852 856 876 877 | MARC Modification on incoming MARC file linked to mapping above | |
Action profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Instance | Create Instance linked to mapping above | |
Action profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Holdings | Create Holdings linked to mapping above | |
Action profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Electronic Item | Create Item linked to mapping above | |
Match profile | FCBLT Default Inventory Match from Incoming 0359 MARC to Existing Instance System Control Number | ||
Job profile | FCBLT Default Inventory CREATE ELECTRONIC Records ALL [with FINAL step Record Modifications] |