Shelf ready profile

Shelf ready profile

Flower releaseNolana
Input dataMARC
Job purpose

These records have a PO line on them, we run a script before hand to match that PO line to an instance HRID. We put that instance HRID in the 001 of the records and then load them with a MARC to MARC 001 match in order to fully replace the bib record.

In order to also update the instance, item and holding, we have an additional block in the profile based on a MARC 001 to instance HRID match. We then match to the holding based on the words "On order" in the call number which is a standard practice of ours. We have some inconsistencies in our items because of how they are created so this profile accommodates on item matching on an On Order or In Process status.

Profile creatorJenn Colt, Cornell


Profile name


Additional tips and considerations

Field mapping profile

Action profile

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