Inventory modules transition

Inventory modules transition

Why: Prokopovych will disband once Orchid is released. A new team(s) must be assigned to own/release inventory modules. 

Plan: Spitfire and Folijet co-own modules and backlog 

Transition date: Orchid GA date 

Responsible for Orchid hotfix/service patch: Yes 

Poppy expectations:

  • No new functionality.
  • Developers' focus is on acquiring knowledge especially around the release process with so many contributors.
  • QA's focus is on acquiring knowledge and defining a plan for managing these additional modules/workflows. 
  • PO's focus is on reviewing backlog and evaluating work for Q and R releases  
  • Only address P1 issues and if possible P2. 
  • May need to address MODINVSTOR-960 - Getting issue details... STATUS but details are unclear.  

Transitioning back-end modules

moduleNew OwnerSupport 
mod-inventoryFolijetMarc Johnson
mod-inventory-storageSpitfire Marc Johnson

Transitioning front-end modules

moduleNew OwnerSupport
ui-inventoryFolijetMichal Kuklis (will be available until June 30 to help with release)
ui-plugin-find-instanceSpitfire Michal Kuklis (will be available until June 30 to help with release)
ui-plugin-create-inventory-recordsFolijetMichal Kuklis (will be available until June 30 to help with release)


Useful Jira filters

Backlog management 

  • POs will review above backlog and will only move items as ready to do so. 
  • There maybe times that Spitfire PO will assign work to Folijet and vice versa. 

Proposed way to break up work 


  • Inventory search and browse 
  • Select an instance record via plug-in


  • CRUD Instance
  • Fast add instance/holdings/item plug-in
  • CRUD Holdings
  • CRUD Items?
  • Settings 

Potential UX work over the next couple of releases

  • Replace Inventory search and sort with react? 
  • Replace search facets 
  • Improve interacting with long lists 
  • Hide fields support
  • Template support 
  • Add a link to search documentation 


  1. What additional help is needed to make this transition go smoothly? 
    1. Folijet: 1 Backend developer (what level? - Kate will make recommendation) |  Frontend developer (what level? - Ivan will make recommendation): TBD based on RTL/Jest conversation | TBD :  Manual QA? | TBD : AQA 
    2. Spitfire: TBD :  Manual QA? | TBD : AQA 
  2. Confirm Karate tests coverage – speak with Marc 
  3. What about RTL/JEST remaining work? 
    1. NES still working on it? What do we need to do?

Action items 

  1. QA to do (meeting on 3 May)
    1. Transition AQA test cases (Natalia and Ivan can schedule a meeting to discuss plan)
    2. Transition Jenkins test failure messages (still appearing in Prok Slack channel)
    3. QAs: Transition manual QA test cases in TestRail (Natalia and Ivan can schedule a meeting to discuss plan) 
    4. Review remaining Prok Jest test
    5. Review remaining E2E Smoke, Critical Path tests to automate
    6. Reassign Karate tests to Spitfire and Folijet 
  2. KG: Communicate change to community 
  3. KG: Address the RTL/Jest situation with LeeB.
  4. KG/AMB: Review P1/P2 Prokopovych issues 
  5. AMB: will come up with a plan for backlog organization 
  6. KG/AMB/CSR: reassign features and epics
  7. Each team review Poppy features capacity based on #5. Possibly create another feature for this work. 

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