Links Generator instructions

Links Generator instructions


Script for generating links for testing. 

Public Git repository: Folio Links Generator

Script execution

Script executable: folio-links-generator.jar

java -jar folio-links-generator.jar configuration.json authorities.mrc

Configuration File:

  • okapiUrl - URL that is used for concrete environments
  • tenant - a tenant that has enabled mod-notes module
  • username - username of the user (should have notes creation permissions)
  • password - user's password
  • uniqueMarcBibs - (default: false) If true then script will generate and link one unique bib for each authority
  • marcBibs - array of bibs configurations. All bibs will be linked to each authority (Ignores if uniqueMarcBibs = true)


  "okapiUrl": "https://folio-snapshot-okapi.dev.folio.org",
  "tenant": "diku",
  "username": "diku_admin",
  "password": "admin",
  "uniqueMarcBibs": false,
  "marcBibs": [
      "totalBibs": 2,
      "linkingFields": ["100", "110", "111"]
      "totalBibs": 3,
      "linkingFields": ["700", "710", "711"]