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AWS costs jumped $5,000 again in February, being investigated (follow-up at Feb 27 meeting)
if this stays, FOLIO has $ 135.000 left . but included are pre-payments, late payers, etc.
if we have the same amount next years, minus the pre-paid amounts and the prices will stay stable: we are just even
detailed update next meeting
conclusion: FOLIO can't afford a developer after the new FY
Boaz: are there any options here?
Maccabee: speaks out to keep the developer - all in agreement
Difficult to raise more money in the community right now
Just one community developer means no community team
Discussion with the resourcing group? Which process can we follow?
Simeon: developer needs a clear way forward - but to raise a significant amount of money takes time / another discussion
Maccabbee: Thanks Paula for the helpful budget context. Obviously I can't speak to that. Just one bit of technical context. A single community-funded developer is a valuable *mentor* to any other potential institution-funded developers. Speaking personally from experience.
Paula Sullenger an Alle 16:18 We understand, Maccabee. This isn't a decision any of us want to make.
Maccabee Levine an Alle 16:18 Understood (and appreciated) Paula
Paula Sullenger an Alle 16:22 And spread the word to member institutions that Michal is looking for work, some of them are hiring.
Decision: FOLIO can't continue the funding with great regrets
Elections in 2023 - start early - finalize volunteers to run the election. Review of the 2022 election. See 2023-01-23 Meeting notes for discussion so far
Election committee can be staffed by people who are running for CC as well - CC doesn't see an issue here
Proposal to embrace email lists as a complementary communication channel for FOLIO.
Agreed 2023-01-09 Meeting notes to create FOLIO-announce email list (Tom/Kat/Simeon), remove Trello (Tom), and further consider the use of the Discuss platform (Simeon & FOLIO chairs). Need decision on Discuss.
2023-01-23 Meeting notes: Not yet resolved. Marko Knepper recalls that we thought there was consensus that this isn't a contentious decision. CC PROPOSAL that official consensus was that we should end of life use of discuss. Kristin Martin would like to formally bring the suggestion before the PC. Marc Johnson will do the same job with bringing the proposal to the TC.
In the event of a tie in any council election, the current chairs of the council, excluding any involved in the tie, shall break the tie. If all current chairs are involved in the tie then it will be broken by random selection.
Rationale – good to keep tie break within the council concerned if possible, but need some external tie break if there it conflict of interest with current chairs standing. Random selection feels a little arbitrary but is unbiased and straightforward to implement. I'm not tied to that approach though.
Proposal from 2023-01-23: Decision delegated to each council - "Random" as defined by the relevant council.
Maccabee Levine 16:39 If it matters: many of the most active members on TC are not actually (current) elected members. We rarely have to vote on anything so it makes no difference. Everyone's contributions are valuable. Who wins the election is less important.
Tom Cramer 16:40 I think that is also more true than not in CC, @Maccabee
Result: Agreement with the additional specification that the appropriate council determines how to implement random - DONE, see FOLIO Governance Model (diff)
CC agrees to the proposal, that the copy right should be changed to "CC-BY"
OLF should continue to hold the copy right
Acton item: we need to change the footer on → Simeon, Tom, Kirstin → Peter M.
Tom Cramer 16:44 I motion we take a formal vote Ian Ibbotson an Alle 16:44 CC-BY +1 Simeon Warner (he/him) an Alle 16:44 +1 cc-by Maccabee Levine an Alle 16:45 Copyright is separate from license. Fine for FOLIO/OLF to own the copyright. Agree it should be CC-BY licensed. Odd for the code to be open but not the documentation. Tom Cramer an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-BY Mike Gorrell an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-BY Kat Berry | UMA/5C an Alle 16:45 + cc-by Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an Alle 16:45 +1 CC by Sie an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-BY Maike Osters | hbz an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-By Dracine Hodges an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-BY Marko Knepper an Alle 16:45 +1 CC-BY keven 16:45 +1 CC-BY
Forum Facilitators (Eric, Sharon, Peter, Rachel and more ..)
Onboarding group
Mike Gorrell an Alle 16:53 AFAIK we do not have a formal/marketing vector/plans/etc. Tom Cramer 16:53 Looking at this doc, which is the summary of “Things that Could be Better about FOLIO”, it seems like one of the top areas for focus:
Result: Boaz Nadav Manes will write up a proposal for next time to summarize the existing initiatives and line out a fresh way forward.
Will need to do FOLIO planning for WOLFcon - Tentative dates set at August 22-24 in Chicago (contracts/details still being negotiated)