2024-05-13 Community Council Meeting Notes


@Paula Sullenger

@Ian Ibbotson (Use this one)

@Kathleen Berry

@Mike Gorrell

@Kirstin Kemner-Heek

@Tom Cramer

@Edwin Pretz

@Boaz Nadav Manes


@Kristin Martin (PC)

@Ian Walls (ByWater)

Ludwig Liebl (BSZ)

@Marc Johnson (TC)


Regrets: @Simeon Warner

Discussion items







Council Elections Update

@Boaz Nadav Manes @Christopher Spalding

Upcoming council elections and draft appeal to institutions. Message sent out Wednesday May 8:

Dear FOLIO members, Community-wide elections for all council seats will be open in June. If you belong to a member organization, please consider nominating yourself to serve on one of our councils and directly impact the way we govern and run our project and product. This is also a unique opportunity for personal growth and development.Self-nominations are due by the end of the month (May 30th). Please use the form below to submit your nomination:Thanks,
Boaz (Chair of the FOLIO Elections Committee)https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3uOjRvIA_F_U-V0xR4bgps1MUHfBFx8cXaUpHnWa-2CP4MA/viewform


  • 3 candiates so far (2 TC, 1 CC, 0 PC) → please continue the efforts to win candidates

  • Question about nominations: can a member of a library in a network act as a representative as well?

    • Yes. Either on own membership or in alignment with the network as a member


FOLIO Module Approval Process and possible MOU

@Simeon Warner from @Kristin Martin

From @Kristin Martin - New FOLIO Modules approval process calls for potential MOU -

Once the module(s) are approved by the Technical Council, the module contributors will need to reach out to the Community Council, who will, at their option, supply the MOU detailing their commitment. The FOLIO SMLLC will supply MOU and store the final results. The Community Council will manage the renewal of the MOUs as appropriate.

Actions from

  • Check other communities for their process ( Koha - Kirstin Martin and Ian Wells to check)

  • CC members to add comments on the draft

For 2024-05-13 - Review and possibly approve MOU

Result: CC approves the MOU

Question from PC

  • How does the CC want to be informed about new modules and the state of the procedure?

    • CC review: after the TC approves it

    • Review the last year by CC as well (last one or two releases)

    • Follow up: how to review by CC → topic for next meeting

      • see process as an enhancement - not a “go / no go”

      • Mike will ensure the follow up, maybe we need a subgroup to get this done

FOLIO Advisory Group

@Simeon Warner (sorry, can’t present but added my thoughts in notes)

Our membership model includes the notion of a “FOLIO Advisory Group”. Although we pulled together a meeting for WOLFocn last year, it was not well attended and I do not think it was very useful. There hasn’t been a meeting before or since. I question the value of the group as is and would like CC to discuss whether to change or remove it.

Simeon’s input: I think we should get rid of the Advisory Group. I think it suggests a false sense of entitlement to control based on member contribution and numbers of seats. Per the evolving “FOLIO Story - the state of FOLIO - 2024” document (which I think is excellent), this isn’t how decisions are influenced. Paid membership is essential for supporting the community and shared infrastructure, but beyond that our key desire from members is engagement. We would better focus our effort on regular (twice per year) community updates.


  • some agreement about not having an advisory group but addressing all FOLIO members regularly - maybe 2 x / year to strengthen the community bonds

  • Result: delete the advisory group in the MOU → have members meetings instead

    • Edited to remove Advisory Group for FY25. There was no mention of the Advisory Group in the Governance Model document nor in the attached MOU template (has general mention of ad hoc advisory groups)

  • Member meeting in preparation: Mike, Simeon, Kristin, Kirstin


State of FOLIO

@Mike Gorrell

Community has drafted and commented on this document: FOLIO Story - the State of FOLIO - April 2024 -

What are the next steps?

  • PC would appeciate a discussion about the paper - a lot of comments have been committed - important to set the right tone

  • TC would welcome a discussion about the paper as well

  • Insert the councils feedback and bring it to the members meeting: use to start a discussion about needs, tasks and expectations

  • Questions: what is the target group? How do we deal with critical statements? How are they addressed and solved?

    • Audience: community itself

    • Note critical statements as a state of reality and start from there

  • Result:

  1. present paper to PC/TC → Mike, others are welcome

    1. May 23 for PC - date is set

  2. present the paper to the members


Treasurer Update

@Paula Sullenger , @Kathleen Berry

  • Transition to Kat is in progress

  • Scott Anderson is involved

  • Kat is taking over , e.g. the funding of the FOLIO developer advisor, review documentation, etc…

Backlog of topics to discuss

Action items to follow up with

Tri-council meeting followup

@Simeon Warner @Mike Gorrell

In and the associated spreadsheet we discussed barriers to participation and ideas to increase participation in FOLIO. Discusses in and agreed to have a group to come up with some talking points?

  • @Mike Gorrell, @Ian Walls , @Simeon WarnerMike will reach out


Community communication norms

Tom Cramer Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) Christopher Spalding 

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels

  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project

  • no update

Application and Platform Formalization WG

Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) (liaison to CC)

Notes folder: Application and Platform Formalization Proposals WG

Outreach and Marketing WG

Boaz Nadav Manes 

WG charge from 2023: WG charge from 2023: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZTOUOhwUtWaEjywKkS0cA41t1h0Wzhv_F9FR5Cyhqzk/edit