2021-10-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2021-10-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Attendees (36)


  • PC Update 
  • "Workslip" functionality from notes - see Slack conversation from 9/22/2021 10:53 am and continuing  
  • Review receiving enhancement mock-ups
  • Continue display acq information on instance conversation from Tuesday. 

Discussion items

PC UpdateKristin
  • 2021-10-07 Product Council Meeting notes
  • 2021-10-14 Product Council Meeting Notes
  • FOLIO Community Updates
  • looking into how to be more transparent
  • set up new ways to gather agenda items
  • Will be using the wiki more
  • Reach out to Kristin if have any agenda items you'd like to see discussed
  • Will put decisions made on the wiki so it's more obvious what was done. 
  • Think about how to collect community input moving forward. 
  • Two announcements: 
    • First folio open community meeting right after this meeting. 
    • Please grab some test cases for Kiwi
6 minutes after the hour"Workslip"Dennis
  • Generate a printable Workslip from order details
  • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5506672
  • Essentially, a means of sending special instructions from the selector such as RUSH/Notify xxx/Catalog for Ref. Coll./Withdraw earlier edition, etc. There is a specific format
  • We have folks using slips so they can keep the staff notes with the item, this way each person in the processing line does not have to open up the record to look if there is something special they are supposed to do.
  • In general, the instructions contain information such as:
    RPL: replacement and ixxxxxx: for record number
    location/itype info (J GRAPHIC, A(dult) MUSIC, A(dult) NF (nonfiction)
    date originally brought into our collection for replacements (the new ownership label will have this old date printed on it)
    The print slip is 2.8 inches wide
  • Susan: Does the information come from receiving notes? Where do you envision the notes coming from?
  • Lloyd: Receiving notes is fine. 
  • Dennis: The RPL number, what does that stand for?
  • From Beverly.Geckle@mtsu.edu to Everyone 08:12 AM Does it stand for Replacement?
  • Lloyd: I bet it does stand for replacement
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 08:13 AM
    We have a similar process, but do not print anything from the ILS -- instead we still use an old fashioned streamer that come in a variety of flavors (RUSH, Patron Request). There may be instructions in the order record or serial receiving record that need to be transcribed onto the streamer that is specific for that particular title (Send earlier vol to Superseded Collection).
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:14 AM
    We are doing something similar to Julie’s library.
  • From Jean Pajerek (Cornell Law Library) to Everyone 08:14 AM
    We do the same as Julie's library.
  • Sabrina Bayer: We have the same process in our library. Every library can decide what should be printed. 
  • Dennis: What is I type? 
    Lloyd: Item type to control circulation. What the code is will be different in every library. Probably want to shelf location it is going to. Call number. Basic bibliographic information.  
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:15 AM Special notes such as rush, catalog for a specific location, replacement, etc. are entered in Receiving notes.
    From Jean Pajerek (Cornell Law Library) to Everyone 08:16 AM +1 Dung-Lan
  • Also the order date, received date. 
  • From Bob Scheier (Holy Cross) to Everyone 08:16 AM I think we also pass along the fund code and selector
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:18 AM For dates, I would only care about receipt date.
  • Dennis: what is the process for printing these? Who prints it, and at what stage?
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:19 AM When items are received, workslips will be printed and travel with the items.
  • From Sabrina Bayer to Everyone 08:19 AM +1 Dung-Lan
    From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:19 AM When we were in Voyager.
  • Julie, we don't print anything, just fill out a slip. We don't tape anything to the book. 
  • From Sabrina Bayer to Everyone 08:21 AM Slip in the book
    From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:21 AM +1 to what Julie just said
    From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:21 AM +1 Julie
    From Bob Scheier (Holy Cross) to Everyone 08:21 AM We slip in book
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:22 AM Streamer - slip - flag - various words for the same type of thing.
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:22 AM
    Are there multiple purposes for this?  One to alert someone to give something exceptional treatment (like rush) but everything related to it is online and viewable by the person working with it.  The other that comes to mind is that you actually need to print the information as part of a processing stream.
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:23 AM
    Dennis - we have reached 15 minutes.  Do you want to continue or wrap up this conversation?
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:23 AM
    I can't find a JIRA for this workslip feature - does one exist?  Just wondering whether this work has been prioritized/ranked/pointed/scheduled yet.
    • From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:24 AM This is new - Julie. Don't think there's one yet.
  • Dennis: I thought this would be printed from the order menu. It sounds like it might be more appropriate to have it in receiving. We do have print functionality, is there anything about this format that is problematic? 
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:26 AM Yes. It is more part of a Receiving workflow
    From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:27 AM Yes, if we were to add this function … it should be done at point of receiving.
    Yes, just including receiving notes on the slip
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:28 AM
    Considering formatting is also important in the sense of when I fold it in half length wise to stick into a book, for example, what info sticks out at the top: hopefully the most relevant for the workflow
    From Sabrina Bayer to Everyone 08:29 AM
    +1 Sara

29 minutes after the hour

Review receiving enhancement mock-ups

  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uMGr1_HJ2yVzcJq_fTgUlibOmf8O7_SZiQCyyx4MdVc/edit#slide=id.gf8b007a9f0_0_10
  • Show mock ups based on feedback
  • Manually add pieces, calling it the workflow toggle.  It's the difference between having all the pieces created for you, vs having nothing created. 
  • Toggle not generally very accessible
  • Users not seeing obvious effects of field
  • Changing label?
  • Update “Manually add pieces” UX
    • Could use scenario-based approach
      • As a group we define these receiving scenarios
      • Try to define some of the situations where you would use this workflow
      • For this purchase order what receiving workflow do you want to use
      • Dropdown with type of receiving:
        • Firm order
        • Standing order
        • Subscription order
        • Membership

  • Or, keep function-based but try to make it more informative
    • Currently a toggle that is “Manually ad pieces for receiving”
    • Receiving workflow dropdown:
      • Synchronize quantity and pieces
      • Independent quantity and pieces
  • Kristin: What do the different options mean? It really is about manually adding pieces. Being able to use a template that makes teh decision would help. Tiw in the question about the volume information that is under the physical resource details. If there was a case that was ordering a multi volume set, it would be good to understand how to make that happen. It's not 4 copies of the same thing, it's four volumes. 
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 08:41 AM
    The concern I have is that at the point of order we may not know the ultimate workflow for handling ongoing orders
  • Dennis: The person creating the order may not realize you will receive a different quantity than ordering. 
  • Julie: It's possible. A volume may come in with a supplement. Or a monographed class series is treated differently than a serial. A decision may not get made how to treat it till it comes in. 
  • From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 08:44 AM
    We could order vol.1, and it arrives as vol.1 pt.1 and vol.1 pt.2 arrives a week later.
    From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:45 AM +1 Lisa
  • Dennis: The pol has a quantity of 1, so in receiving you are restricted to receiving one piece. If it's create manually, it can be 1 order, but you can add as many pieces you want. 
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:46 AM If you create the pieces yourself, are they actually linked to the pol?
  • Dennis: In this situation when there are 4 or 5 options, But there are still only two options. You are ordering what ever quantity and you receive how many pieces you need to without changing the quantity of the order.  Or you order one piece, and receive one piece. 
  • Julie, multiple options implies multiple workflows. If there are really only two, then there should only be two. 
  • Dennis: The pieces are always linked to the pol. If you create it, or the system creates it.  It may or may not link to inventory, it depends on the setting you have. 
  • Dennis: I think this gives me enough detail to refine these mocks up a bit more. I'll make some updates and come back to the conversation. 
  • Package POL's, the way you have to go to receiving to add a title was very confusing to people. 

  • One possibility that you add the titles while you create the pol., The person creating the order will understand what titles are part of the order. Would be able to add new linked instances to the pol. So do in the po, rather than in receiving. 
  • When you use the package toggle, would you be adding multiple titles to the po. You are doing that from the orders app. 
  • From Heather to Everyone 08:56 AM Which version would this be in?
    From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:57 AM +1 to adding in the POL. In my workflow I will edit package POs/POLs, but do not usually work in receiving.
    From Susan Martin to Everyone 08:57 AM Good question
  • Dennis: Need to finish defining it first. Trying to wrap the bulk of these changes into a specific feature. Would like to do some of these in Lotus. But some may need to be finished later. 
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:57 AM
    I am confused about this interaction with quantity and price/cost. Scenario: I am ordering an Encyclopedia set. One price for the set. But I expect to get 12 volumes--not necessarily all at the same time. How would I set that up re: the Manually add pieces toggle etc  Or, would I make the Enc. a Package?
  •  From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:59 AM Is there a distinguish between print and online  packages?
  • Kristin: I do like the idea of being able to edit the titles, add or delete them. 

Chat Transcript
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