2021-03-23 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes

2021-03-23 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Dennis Bridges

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)

Heather Thoele


Alice Daugherty


Julie R. Stauffer

@ Katy Kazee

Kimberly Pamplin

Lisa Maybury

Martina Schildt

@ Masayo Uchiyama

Michael Arthur

Michael Phillips

@ Okay Okonkwo

@ Steven Selleck

@ Suzanne Mangrum


Tracy L Patton

Ann Crowley


@duchen@skidmore.edu (Dung-Lan Chen)

@Frances Dotson

Jackie Magagnosc

Jean Pajerek

Lindsey Lowry


Shannon Burke



Discussion items

Minute taker@Heather Thoele


  • Housekeeping: 
    • Agenda and notes will now be on Wiki
    • Will not be going back and adding old notes to wiki, but there is a link to the old notes on the wiki page. 
    • Dropping the 'small' from small group. 
    • Still a closed group that people will have to ask to be added too. 
    • Hope people still engage as appropriate and as needed. 
    • Dennis: As folio project evolves, this group evolves. It is encouraged to speak up and ask questions. This is an informal group that encourages discussions and questions about detailed aspects of the different features we are looking at. 
    • Ann-Marie: Just because the group is getting larger, please don't be shy about speaking up. The way we work, we need people to speak up. 
    • Susan Martin: Please keep an eye on the slack channel for homework and questions. 
    • Dennis: Because we meet often, he tries to limit what we work on outside of the meeting. But if people would like more of that, please let him know. If we want homework, he is happy to do more of that type of work. 
    • Maybe have a retro meeting every couple of months on how things are going, what is working well and what isn't. 
    • Still to be determined - will we continue to meet when Dennis goes on paternity leave? (Hopefully have an answer for that in the next few days. Can happen anytime between now and beginning of April)  We are currently ahead of the developers.  If Dennis is out during Bugfest, may meet at least once or twice to look at any issues raised. 

Displaying piece information on Inventory holdings records. Specifically with respect to editing the quantity of a POL.  

UX PROD-2373

Started about 10 minutes into meeting.

Display piece information on inventory holdings record. 

  • Impacts the interaction with ordering and inventory records. The work here will unlock possibilities with other apps. 
  • Once we make this possible, other things like moving inventory records around becomes possible. 
  • Might reference other features that are impacted by this. 
    • Ann-Marie suggested a separate page to list them. 
  • Workflow templates shown. 
  • Enumeration and Chronology in receiving. 
  • Being explicit having this piece to a specific holdings.  Direct connection between receiving and holdings. 
  • Suppress something from discovery at point of receipt. 
  • Display on holdings when there is not a connected item. 
  • Receiving information form the app will be populated in the receiving history in inventory. 
  • If we want to explicitly connect to holdings records, it is possible to that at the order. 
    • Talked about how this impacts editing an order. 
    • If pol is connected to an instance, when receiving can receive to a location and specific holdings. 
  • Dennis: Want to discuss how editing of quantity and location has become problematic. Trying to keep receiving and order record in sync.  (20 minutes after the hour)
  • Discuss order quantity while order is open. 
    • Challenge: Example: Lowering from 4 to 2.  Which two pieces do you want to get rid of? 
    • Looking at models for choosing which to delete, or which to add. 
  • Manually add pieces for receiving, then the quantity you are paying for is different than what you are receiving. If you use this, then the quantity  and location can be easily edited. 
  • Manually add pieces for receiving = false. (Box not checked) 26 minutes into recording.
    • Possibility Deactivate Quantity field. 
    • Can edit from receiving and it will update the pol. This allows you to edit an open purchase order. 
  • Bill Verner: What is the default? Manually add or not?
    • Dennis: Is not customizable. Depends on what kind of pol you are creating. It is not affected by order type at the moment. The default is uncheck. 
    • If you say it is a package, you have to use "Manually add pieces for receiving;.'
  • Ann-Marie: Remember templates. You can set up a template with your preference. 
  • Bill Verner: Templates are seen by everyone, so there may be hundreds of templates. 
  • Ann-Marie: Right now there is no search functionality or tags. Need to consider how to have a way to search across templates. That is down the road and a separate conversation. 
  • Dennis: We have discussed having Acq units associated with templates. But the strong preference is to have the templates associated with the user. 
  • Dennis: wants to confirm:  This is a reasonable approach to editing order quantity based on you current workflows? 
    • Martina: It is different from our current system, but is doable. Not sure we change the number of pieces very often. 
  • Dennis: Another key piece is the location. 
    • Would this workflow, that act of receiving those things would update the po location as well, is that problematic. 
    • Julie Stauffer: What if we need to make this change before we receive anything? 
    • Dennis: You can change the information before anything is received. 
    • Julie: Will we see the associated holdings affected? 
    • Dennis: In the updates we are proposing here, when you are looking at the piece we are showing holding information. 
    • 41 minutes after: Dennis discusses/demonstrates Julie's question. 
  • Once an order has been opened, the only way to change the quantity is in receiving. 
  • To change the location in an open order, will be in receiving. 
    • Can edit the location in the pol, in an open order, if 'manually add pieces' is checked.  Demo this at 50 minutes after. 
  • Dennis: Will review these workflows with the developers and see if there are any technical questions from them. 

Discuss Receive on approval.  

Dennis Bridges
  • Receive on approval of invoice 
  • about at the 53 minute mark. 
  • Please review this, contribute use cases or make comments on the wiki page. 
  • Driven by the workflow of changing the status of invoice from open to approved. 

Discuss Receive and Create Invoice

UX Prod 2838

  • Create an invoice from the po. 
  • Ann-Marie: Would like some use cases, please comment on the page. 

Fund reporting

Action items


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