2024-07-23 Better Sample Data Meeting notes


Jul 23, 2024


  • @Yogesh Kumar @Tod Olson @Charlotte Whitt


  • Follow up on status on discussion topics and task

 Discussion topics










  1. Actions items

    • Action items (7/15/2024):

      • Populate spreadsheet of reference data (AF)

      • Develop a Google Form for SIG responses (AF). This will tell us which types of reference data we need to create ourselves and which types we can source

      • Check about effort needed to get a fresh export from Chicago and documentation on the process (TO)

      • Set up next meeting (YK)


  2. Identify

    1. types of data used in each of the apps as well as data at the tenant level - move the table to spreadsheet 

    2. Reference data by app

      1. Loan types, fund codes, call number types, etc.

    3. Record types by app

      1. Orders, order lines, users, instance/holdings/items, etc.

    4. App settings

      1. Data Import job profiles, Inventory export targets, etc.

    5. Tenant-wide data & settings

      1. Libraries, location codes, service points

      2. Consortial partners & relationships

      3. Permission sets

    6. Insert links to GitHub repositories – CW - is this still relevant

    7. Also solicit data samples from respective libraries - e.g.

      1. Order data as mentioned by @Maccabee Levine (Lehigh)

      2. Bound-with (one item linking to multiple holdings (GBV)



How did Chicago share data?

  • Exported out. Inventory data is relatively safe for sharing

  • How did we officially share the data?

  • Can we share bigger sets of data for BugFest, and then create a smaller set for Snapshot?

  • Chicago data was originally scoped to Inventory, and did not contain connections to other records.

  • How do we deal with different institutions' data?

    • What does the environment that we are putting the data into need to look like?

    • What should the FOLIO BugFest actually be managed

    • Maybe we need to carefully curate the reference data in advance of getting the data

    • Libraries should be testing the logical portion of features, and not full workflows

    • We’ll want to iteratively update BugFest dataset across different areas

    • What’s in BugFest right now? Verify different types of data and what is working for people?

      • Can we clean this up with SIG help?

      • Would it be worth getting a fresh Chicago export of Inventory Data. Tod will investigate the effort for this

Do we need a consortial data set?

  • Start with non-consortial first, then go with consortial

  • Hold off on consortial issue for now


5 min

Future meeting times

Find a regular meeting time - once a week, or bi-weekly

 Action items
