Authority Linking: Authority Uniform Title & Name-title + Bib Field

#MARC authority Has a $t? Links MARC bib fieldMARC authority examplesNotes
1100/110/111 Y


$f - Date of a work (NR)
$h - Medium (NR)
$k - Form subheading (R)
$l - Language of a work (NR)
$m - Medium of performance for music (R)
$n - Number of part/section of a work (R)
$o - Arranged statement for music (NR)
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
$r - Key for music (NR)
$s - Version (R)
$t - Title of a work (NR)

Name and title portions

$g - Miscellaneous information (R)


  • 100/110/111 $t = 240 $a

2100/110/111 (split into separate rows) N

$a - Personal name (NR)
$b - Numeration (NR)
$c - Titles and other words associated with a name (R)
$d - Dates associated with a name (NR)
$e - Relator term (R)
$j - Attribution qualifier (R)

$q - Fuller form of name (NR)

Already implemented. 


Black panther (motion picture): record (30).mrc

Black panther (comic book): record (31).mrc

Wizard of Oz: record (32).mrc

MODQM-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS

4130N/A630" "

MODQM-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5130N/A730" "

MODQM-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS



NOTE: subfield $v and $x  (not controlled) 

" "

MODQM-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS

7100/110/111Y600/610/611 - populate name-titleSee Examples in first row. No change to current Names linking development (case #8) 
8100/110/111Y700/710/711 - " "" "Should be implemented. 

800/810/811 - " "

NOTE: subfield $v and $x (not controlled) 

" "No change to current Names linking development (case #8)