2020-07-03 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2020-07-03 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




  • Review action items

Discussion items


Review Action Items

Meeting Notes:

SAML authentication :


We should approve or comment the "Decisions" at the end of Tod's discuss post.

Technical Designs and Decisions: There is a wiki space for this:

Technical Designs and Decisions

We should read this wiki space and comment in this Wiki space. It falls under the purview of the Tech Council. But let's engage in this as technical experts of the SysOps SIG !

Discussion of data import performance improvements: Performance improvement when ingesting MARC records into SRS, including bulk loads.

Problem with dependency resolution. q1-2020 required a module version, but okapi pulled a newer module version which works for q2-2020. Jira ticket has been created.

If you build from source, it is good practive to cache the upstream artifacts. If one dependency changes, you can still produce your build. If things change from day to day upstream, it does not reduce your ability to build the software. Dependencies are so high now. Most people will go and use the binaries. Compiling from source is painful. But you have to be able to build from source at least once.

Ā Topics for next meetings

Next regular meeting will be on July, 31st. Jason and Ingolf will be on vacation in July.

  • SAML SSO authentication

Action items
