2020-04-24 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2020-04-24 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




  • Q1-2020 Fameflower installation experiences

Discussion items

  • Find a note taker

Installation experiences with Q1-2020 Fameflowerall

Hear about the installation experiences of those of us who have stood up Q1 and done any testing.

  • Johannes Drexl reports unable to run distributed Okapi on Java 11 (OpenJDK), and Java 8 is coming to EOL September or October.
    • Java issues:
    • jroot mentions there is an existing JIRA issue with embedded Postgres which is preventing some back-end modules. Also, storage module are all now supporting Postgres 10, still work to do to support Postgres 12.
    • Debian package for Okapi still has security issues. Johannes Drexl will work out build process and give to Adam Dickmeiss.

Lessons learned from our installation experiences.

Summarize / organize our findings


Much has been going on in the Slack chat since the last meeting.

Topics from the Slack chat:

Upgrade Path

New components: Kafka, Mod PubSub

  • Scaling of Mod PubSub, How many instances of Kafka
  • the order to bring up pieces in the Folio system: DBs first, then Okapi, Kafka, mod-pubsub, lastly the rest.

New edge-ncip module

Get back on creating the SysOps guide and architecture reference (Jason, Wayne)

mod-source-record-storage 3.0.2 (Edelweiss) and 3.1.3 (Fameflower) don't co-exist well in the same database

  • co-location of different releases in the same postgres instance is becoming important for hosting environments.
  • hosting providers want to have shared databases. They will need to do upgrades at once
  • This is difficult to test - you need various tenants with large amounts of data

Database changes from Q4 to Q1: Chicago did a diff and Dale will put it on Slack.

Fameflower hotfixes, scheduled for April 27

  • Mainly this is to get Data Import and in-place-migration working.
  • Hkaplanian  reports there are still several outstanding issues, will meet on Monday to check status.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Notes from the Zoom Chat

Topics for next sessions
  • Want to cycle back on the security audit. Want to hear about the results of the recent audit (that was paid for). We need to get a "safe harbor" statement. Currently, this is on the agenda of the TC. Tod will talk to Stephen to hear if we can have an update in SysOps next week.

Action items
