2020-08-14 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2020-08-14 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items

  • A toast for 3 years of the SysOps & Management SIG !
 27 SAML SSO authentication

 There is still the need for discussion.

Which strategy are we going to go / recommend ?


27Automatic migration tests for Goldenrod

FOLIO-2662 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Can we draw conclusions ?

I think we need to document  this for a broader audience, if a viable procedure is being established.

E.g. "Load PostgreSQL extensions in the public schema of each RMB module's database"

or "deploy the "create-upgrade-diku/tamu" K8s Job to the appropriate upgrade testing namespace"

Meeting Notes

Deviating from the original agenda, we talked about different methods of deploying Folio, who follows which approach, and what is the status of the work in our institutions.

Lehigh will go live today, this Friday. They are using SaltStack and hosting services by IndexData. A toast also on Lehigh's go-live !

Ingolf is particularly interested in methods for self-hosting. He sees three different methods which have been presented in this SIG:

  • single server deployment
  • Jo's deployment with Debian packages on VMs, not using Docker
  • Docker on Kubernetes with Rancher

While the single server deployment does not really fulfil all requirements of a production environment, Jo's scripts are still in development, and the learning curve for K8s deployment is very high.

Anton says at EBSCO they host Rancher-installations for 8 development teams. Administration is all done by one single person. They are established ways for system upgrades. They are using Jenkins and PHPView.

Anton says, deployment is as easy that one dev has Rancher running on his laptop.

Anton's people use Helm Charts for Rancher for all modules, Okapi and the postgres. Anton says, with Helm Charts, it is easy to deploy.

Anton is willing to give a demo of the EBSCO Rancher installations one of the next times in SysOps SIG.


Ingolf asks questions about Services and Namespaces in K8s/Rancher.

TAMU uses multiple postgres containers. Okapi and the modules have their own database, each.

In overtime, Ingolf and Brandon look at Ingolf's Rancher server and Brandon explains TAMUs steps to install. Brandon explains use of namespaces, Dockerfiles, Secrets and scripts. Thank you, Brandon (smile)

Documentations for Rancher installation / Rancher installation at TAMU:

Folio "alternative" install with K8s and Rancher by TAMU (start page)

TAMU deploy-jobs

TAMU Dockerfile create-deploy

Rancher Secrets and Environment Variables (of the Workload) match the ENV-Variables in the Dockerfile.

Lightweight Linux distribution "Alpine" is used inside the container.

Working directory is /usr/local/bin/folio .

Shell script and python script are being copied into the working directory.

Docker file invokes shell script, shell script invokes python script.

Python script registers and deploys a module, posts launch descriptor and deplyoment descriptor to Okapi.

Ingolf needs to tweak variables in the Docker file for his own installation purposes.

For example, need to set SAMPLE_DATA = true and REF_DATA = true to load sample and reference data.

TAMU have their own space on dockerhub for their own images (Ingolf has created that, too, for hbz).

Documentation How to get started with Rancher on dev.folio.org with "Building backend modules", "Building frontend modules", deployment tipps and much more !

Topics for next meetingsIngolf

Will be the same topics as today - sooory for not having addressed those, today !

+ send me any other topics that you would like to discuss

Action items
