2020-03-27 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes

2020-03-27 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items



FOLIO Release Q1-2020 Fameflower


Supporting files in folio-install repository and single-server installation documentation  are out for Q1-2020 Fameflower release ; here:

https://github.com/folio-org/folio-install/releases/tag/q1-2020-1  (Thanks to David Crossley)

  • new section install kafka zookeeper FOLIO-2507; installation via docker-compose

This week is Bugfest, so pre-release and there will be patches. 

It's a good time to test Fameflower deployments and migrations

  • Single-server does require zookeeper and docker-compose. 
  • Dale Arntsonfound it to be straightforward. Only problem was that okapi 2.37 would not come up on reboot, had to create a symlink. Might be peculiar to Ubuntu but look out for that. jroot reports  that Adam D. is working on a patch that might be related.
  • jrootalso got these installed under K8s. Needed for mod-pubsub, Inventory will use this already. 
  • Here's the diff for folio-installhttps://github.com/folio-org/folio-install/compare/q4-2019-4...q1-2020-1

Password protection for Zoom meetings

  • We have not seen Zoom bombing yet in FOLIO meetings. As of April 14, will require passwords. Can look up the password on wiki, might add to meeting invite.

High level prriorities for Q2Ingolf

Report from PC Meeting (thanks to Mark Veksler), EBSCO and Index Data

EBSCO/Index Data’s recommended actions to ensure delivery on Q2’2020 expectations

Data Migration Task Force is part of this, convened by spampell. Coordinating with Ann-Marie who is PO for Data Import and Export. A small group with to provide input to FOLIJET team. Focus is on making APIs function at scale. TAMU is contributing William Welling to help FOLIJET.

Technical Skills in Demand

Action items
