2020-05-29 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda & Notes

2020-05-29 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda & Notes




Discussion items

30Support SIG - Overview of the work of the SIGPhil

The support SIG for FOLIO is to govern the project support structure.  How long should it exist?

Not resourced to be a help deck for everyone.  Self hosting and vendors are to report defects.  They will vet reports as they come in and direct to the associated PO.  ERM seems to have it's own support structure.  They have the wiki, the support SIG home.  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SS/Support+SIG+Homehttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/projects/SUP/

Has a slack channel as well.

Bug reporting flowchart: Bug Reporting Flow Chart - Institutional Support

Will fine tune process and message before roll out to the rest of the community.

Will need to present to the PC.

Has the group decided on Forum software?  Need a list of software to evaluate and decide how to host.  VBulletin?  Will need moderators.

ToDo: Identify packages that provide this ability.  Discourse. vbulletin, Flarum, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_forum_software

15Reference data upgradesJo, all

Upgrades with Reference data

Should we have an explicit example that developers & POs can follow?

TC issue - this group came to the TC with a solution.  They want a problem statement.  If we are proposing changes to FOLIO, we might not be fully aware of what other issues might exist that might not have been taken into account with the proposed solution.

Are we married to the solution in the Wiki?  Should we be?

It's critical that the SysOps SIG presents the problem from the SysOps SIG perspective that others in the PC may not be aware of.

It's critical that we get this documented in this wiki page for the PC.

This is a problem with reference data, but more importantly the update failed.

Another problem:  The concept of reference data is ill defined in FOLIO overall.  The lines between these types of data is not clear in FOLIO.

They don't want custom data to be destroyed.

Stephen would like to take someone else from the SysOps sig into the TC meeting to help better define the issue to the TC.  Wayne & Jo are proposed as good candidates.

Jo will attend.  Wayne is willing to as well.  Probably both will attend.

Important to remember that most of this reference data is critical to the librarians.

Tod, Having a concrete example could really help with understanding.

Present this as 3 defined problems.

Do we agree that examples should be based on custom data?  We want both.

Identify in the updated doc what parts are new.

Wayne, does it make sense for a group to meet Tuesday to finalize the doc before sending to the TC for review prior to the TC meeting?  Yes.

Action items
