2023-10-04 Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency subgroup

2023-10-04 Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency subgroup



Discussion items


Follow up on Time Zone inclusiveness discussion at 9-25-23 PC meetingPaul Moeller 

Reach out to NLA folks

Anyone else?

Poll on PC only channel to continue with hour long meetings
Keep the hour long meeting duration

Ending 5 minutes early

Is there a way to have zoom remind us that the meeting is ending

No decisions will be made in the last 5 minutes even if we go to the hour

How to use the Zoom Timer App

Set a timer

The timer app can be started from within a Zoom meeting and from the Apps tab in the Zoom client. Users can manually set the timer or choose from convenient presets.

  1. Open the Timer app in the desktop client or during a meeting.
  2. Click the Timer tab.
  3. Enter the desired hours, minutes, and seconds using your keyboard or by using your mouse to click the up/down time toggles.
  4. (Optional) In the bottom left corner of the app, click the audio icon  to toggle the audio alarm when the timer runs out.
  5. (Optional)(In-meeting) In the bottom right corner of the app, click the Show timer to all toggle  to control if just you or all participants will see the timer.
  6. Click Start to begin the current timer.

Future topic cleanup and page for non-PC community member suggestions
  • Community topics for Product Council as a proposal and tbd
  • SIGs have tables like this
  • Keep it separate from PC member list
  • Send out info to various folks on slack
  • Will share with PC for feedback
  • Martina Schildt will share on slack and see if we get comments and need to discuss later at a meeting
  • Alexis Manheim Check at next PC planning if topics can be moved to Completed

Revamp agenda planning to make it more strategic. Right now, we aren't agenda-planning more long-term

Still important to be able to address immediate topics

Balance longer term topics with fires

Tri-council meetings can help us focus on what needs to be dealt with
Not just up to PC in many cases
Can PC have subgrops where there are no PC members on them and report back to us
We can't be experts on everything Ex: Browser support

Keeping track of things, doing what we've promised

Need to remind the community what the councils do
PC does not control resources and make all the/overarching decisions
Bring up at the tri-council meeting next week

More expectations for PC members. How can we make members more prepared.

Something to review beforehand, easily accessible
background or new information, not too much
For very important topics, have presentations on them (like re-architcturing)
Set up more subroups/working groups to deal with certain tasks – asking less involved folks to join

Set goals for the group
Annual goals like we set at WOLFCon – Yes continue with this
Specific goals for subgroups or meetings?
Charter level goals?
Annual process for setting goals at WOLFCon
Martina will check Easyretro board to see if she can find out who added this item and what they meant

Create tasks from meeting notes

Minute taker can add a task and tag the person

Task report is part of agenda at the beginning

Task report is part of agenda at the beginning of the weekly PC meeting

Ask minute takers to add tasks when something is assigned

Action items


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