2018-11-08 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes

2018-11-08 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes


Recording is available on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10iqTBMorTW2nbBvVA6Mrc0ax6LQm_rVj/view?usp=sharing

Link to the zoom-meeting: https://zoom.us/j/119772606

Link to the wireframes: 

Link to the discussed document:

Discussion items




Monday, November 12 meeting will be cancelled to allow time for David to work with @Cult during his visit with them.
MARCcat UX/UI analysis

Continue the discussion and confirmation about:

  • MARCcat prototype released by David Garcia last friday on 2nd of November)

Control fields - Hide or Display

  • David presented us with two options, one which groups all control fields together, the other with the 006, 007, 008. The group like the second option better.

001 Display

  • Proposal - This could be in the pane header. Here would also be the option to copy the 001

Pane Header

  • Results pane
  • Third panel - What information is needed?
    • For bibliographic records, group suggested eliminating the "Last updated" field.
    • For authority records
      • Name/title authority - heading length will be long. We will want to see the associated title in a name/title authority. Decision to wait until David meets with @Cult to discuss how these Name/Title should display. Tiziana will show some options that WeCat currently offers.
      • Proposal:

About the N/T presentation, Sarah Ross sent via e-mail some examples of OCLC and LC:

Here’s one index screen, from OCLC, giving name/title authority records that include the 4XX. 


LC’s Name/Title Authority Index, including Authorized Names, References, and associated bib record count:




Next step


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