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David presented a User Interface design for MARCCat and invited feedback from the group.
Simple Search
Select database to search
Select index to search. To search for a Name, it looks like the letter "N" has to be typed into the Search field. :
If name is selected for search, then a 100 name search is set up as a separate search from a 700 search. A "simple" name search that searches all of these fields at once is not at this point available.
Ann-Marie - A lot of the FOLIO applications have everything "checked" by default. Can this be the same for this search? The default could be more inclusive. Unchecking a field would cause the search to be more restricted. The group agreed that this is a better scenario.
The Simple Search query can be refined by Material type
Advanced Search
This is intended for higher skilled users.
Most used indexes will appear in a list. Indexes can still be invoked by typing in letters, like "NA" for name.
Browse is also available.
Sarah (Cornell) - Criticism: There is too much dependency on the mouse. Can it be made so keystrokes can
Laura: In the advanced search, is the user able to search bibliographic and authority at the same time? Tiziana answered that would be possible.
Tiziana wanted to make sure that David accommodated the ability for a user to search through multiple indexes at the same time.
David suggested using an exclamation point to access different functions in MARCCat
Sarah (Cornell) - The addition of special characters that invoke commands is not particularly desirable.
Chicago - We cannot search using diacritics. It needs to be diacritic agnostic
Laura - Suggested looking at OCLC's Connexion for an example of how to present diacritics.
Sarah (Cornell) - Do we need two lists: One for diacritics, another for command potential marks.
Ann-Marie (in chat): "It needs to allow or disallow diacritics, in case someone copies and pastes a word with diacritics."
External database: (demo continued)
The search indexes available will be fewer, but be able to accommodate several outside databases.
Tiziana - Check this function in MARCCat.
Material type is on the item level. At the inventory the resource type and
Charlotte and Tiziana would like the search panes for an inventory search and MARCCat search to look similar.
Ann-Marie - Acquisitions is running into a problem with having too many filters. While all the filters are necessary, they do not need to all show at all times. She suggested that a way is needed to show the most popular options at a given time.
Will there be a FOLIO app for reports? Is a Reports section needed? There are a lot of reports currently available in WeCat that related to different modules, outside of cataloging.
Charlotte - There will be a meeting on September 5 with the convener of the reporting SIG. Charlotte will forward the invitation to Tiziana.
Ann-Marie - The Reporting SIG is making a distinction between "In-App" reports and reports made outside of the context of the app.
Tiziana suggested suspended the question of how to display reports until after this meeting.
What should be done with the Load from file function under Templates/Download?
Ann-Marie - This is not needed. There is a separate app. Records will be imported through the FOLIO Batch-Loader App
Tiziana - Does this apply to authority records as well? (Load from VIAF link.)
Ann-Marie - It does, with the exception of single record imports, which have not yet found a "home" in FOLIO.
Ann-Marie - What is the most important piece for the cataloging module.
Pam and Sarah from Cornell both stressed the need to load a single record at a time. This is a consistent and constantly used function in cataloging in libraries.
Ann-Marie - What are the pieces that have to be in MARCCat? What are the pieces that need to be in Inventory? What are the pieces that need to be in Batch-Loader? Those are the questions.