Search enhancements / Advanced Search

Search enhancements / Advanced Search

Univ. of ChicagoSerials Cataloger@uchicago.edu
Larisa WalshUniv. of Chicago

Head of Metadata Management Services


Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor. Serials Cataloging/Metadata Librarian

Texas A&M UniversityAssociate Professor, Catalogingcuaco@library.tamu.edu
NCSUAssociate Head, Acquisitions and Discovery (Monographs). Convener of the MM-SIGlkwhitte@ncsu.edu
LehighCataloging/Metadata Librarian


Index DataSoftware Engineer, DevOpswayne@indexdata.com
Index DataLead developer on Inventoryniels@indexdata.com
SamhaengUX Leadfilip@samhaeng.com
Index DataLibrarian. Analyst. PO the Inventory App


ZBWMetadata Librarianf.hemme@zbw.eu
Martina SchildtVZG, GöttingenSystems librarian, ERM, ACQMartina.Schildt@gbv.de
VZG, HamburgSystem &technical librarian, Circulationuschi.klute@gbv.de
U of Colorado BoulderAsst. Director, Metadata Productionlew235@cornell.edu
Jennifer EustisFive CollegesMetadata Librarianjeustis@umass.edu
Ann KardosUMass/Five CollegesMetadata Librarianannk@umass.edu
Jenn ColtCornellMetadata Operations Librarianjrc88@cornell.edu

Nancy BurfordTexas A&M University

Five Colleges (Amherst)

University of AlabamaCoordinator of Metadatamalexand@ua.edu

Massoud Alshareef

KnowledgeWare Technologies Est.

The work group was decided established at the MM-SIG meeting held on 22/2/2018 (focus on Advanced search).

Changed scope:

  1. Search enhancement
    1. Slide deck https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z3IgcTtBd5nb8ODOOMr5D_LLvOqo-_Udo7SwDOj1NyU/edit#slide=id.p
    2. Search enhancement filter in jira:

      type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

  2. Ability to search any field / subfield in instance metadata record, holding and item records - UXPROD-140

  3. Advanced search (later)


The group will provide feed back, changes, suggestions, improvements etc. 


We expect the working group would need to meet 2-3 times to complete the work.


  1. Search Patterns Discussion (Discuss post by Kimie Ou Yang)


First WG meeting: 3/14/2018 at 9-11 AM EST (link to the recording)

    1. Introduction by Filip
    2. Kimie presented her initial work on

1.Search with the Boolean operator


3.Multiple sources selection


c) The group will provide real life examples for Kimie to work on for the next meeting. The examples can be screen dumps from existing ILSes. Examples can be uploaded to the new subfolder called Advanced Search in the MM-SIG folder on Google drive.

MM-SIG meeting 6/6/2019:


  1. Status: 

               Slide deck - Inventory Search enhancement requirements - MM SIG WG 6_6_19

       2. To do 

                Review spreadsheet (WIP) - Search (UXPROD-140) Inventory Beta - Metadata Elements

       3. Plan work

Workgroup meeting 6/13/2019:


  1. Search-test 'fest' (log user search expectations)
  2. Review spreadsheet (WIP) - Search (UXPROD-140) Inventory Beta - Metadata Elements

  3. Review document (WIP) - Ability to search any element in Inventory (instance, holdings and item records) - UXPROD-140

Search and Sort session at F2F meeting in Washington 6/18/2019:

  1. Search-test 'fest' (log user search expectations)

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