Field mapping profiles
Field mapping profiles
The purpose of the Field Mapping Profile is to map fields of the incoming record to fields in the corresponding FOLIO record, according to the mapping values specified. Field mapping profiles are associated with Action profiles. Elements include:
- Name (Required): Name of the field mapping profile
- Incoming Record Type (Required): Select the format of the incoming record
- MARC Bibliographic
- MARC Holdings
- MARC Authority
- FOLIO Record Type (Required): Select the format of the existing record in FOLIO
- FOLIO Instance
- FOLIO Holdings
- FOLIO Item
- FOLIO Order (purchase order and purchase order lines)
- FOLIO Invoice (invoice and invoice lines)
- MARC Bibliographic in Source Record Storage
- MARC Holdings in Source Record Storage
- MARC Authority in Source Record Storage
- Description: Describes the field mapping profile to help you and others identify what it and what the mapping does
- Field mapping details: Depending on the FOLIO record type selected, the details section of the field mapping profile will vary. The field mapping details are designed to mimic the FOLIO record's create/edit screen as much as possible. However individual fields may be populated with a reference to a particular field in the incoming record, a default value, or a combination of both.
- Associated Action profiles: Select the action profile to associate with this field mapping profile. This action profile must already exist to link to it. A field mapping profile can be linked to multiple action profiles. If a field mapping profile is edited, those edits are reflected in all action and job profiles where the field mapping profile is used.
- Tags: can be assigned to field mapping profiles and then used as filters