Cancelation Flow Details

Cancelation Flow Details


There is a need to support the cancelation flow for DCB circulation. The transaction can include 2-role circulation as well as 3-role. The management of the transaction is handled by DCB.


The transaction cancellation can be initiated by the following sources:

  1. In Lending library: by FOLIO users
  2. In Borrowing library:
    1. by FOLIO users 
    2. by patron initiated from Local locate. The cancellation request will originate in Local Locate and routed through edge-patron 
  3. In all roles:
    1. by DCB initiative


  1. DCB will handle status synchronization in order of the event arrival

Target Solution

The cancellation request can be applied to DCB transactions that are in the following statuses [CREATED, OPEN, AWAITING_PICKUP]. For the transactions that are in status [ITEM_CHECKED_OUT, ITEM_CHECKED_IN] FOLIO should reject such requests with a "400 Bad request" response.

Lending library sequence:

Borrowing library sequence:

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